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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4


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Guest Cecilia

you can't use it for commercial pupresos, so this matters if you want to create this stuff for a living.Suppose a machinima is rendered using some game engine, but does not reuse any of the copyrighted art assets from that game the creator uses all new models, textures, etc. The machinima is not a derived work of the original game: the machinima itself does not infringe on copyright.However, copyright is still lurking behind the EULA. Suppose the EULA says you can't use the game commercially: then if you use the game to render a machinima that you sell, you are breaking the EULA. The way copyright comes into it is that you had to make a copy of the game in order to run it; and you have to agree to the terms of use described in the EULA in order to be given permission to make that copy. Without copyright, you'd have no need to accept the EULA in the first place.To the best of my knowledge, there is a lack of case law in the area and at least some uncertainty about just how enforceable click-through install license agreements are.

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Thats a good point, its probably going to be fun but the whole idea of the fight being over was what made halo 3 great. Its an atmeptt to finsh the series off with a bang when its not necessary. Its over and the fight was won why dont put more into that pride i had on the 3rd halo. Lets put this in lost's perspective. Imagine that the last season was 3 years ago and the hype is down and no one cares anymore. Then out of no where there like, oh they are in hell now and they have to escape.season9

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Guest Angel

I should have specfiied.. your are 100% correct.. however I had the money so I purchased all the top of the line equipment including a 3d monitor and nvidia 3d vision. SLI, liquid cooling. I went ALL OUT. that was 3 years ago.. Today I can run Battlefield 3 on High.. not ultra because of DX11 but its not just for gaming.. I use autodesk software and visual studio. BF3 is the first game with recommended specs that I don't exceed all I need is a GPU and I will solve that problem.

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Dude you just have to practice plain and simlpe. Learn the maps and where shortcuts are to sneak up on people. Always, ALWAYS have a fully loaded weapon. You waste one or two bullets on an enemy reload! Keep playing on unranked and occasionall yventure into rank to test urself. Know what weapons work best for you. you need to carry a long range and short range weapon whenever possible.P.S. Grenades are a must.Practice!

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the 360 never got any downgrades.. it has had uperadgs but only to try and match what a ps3 can offer.. there was that HDDVD $200 attachment. then there is bigger hard drives that are way overpriced for hard drives. and finally they now have wifi. and they say they fixed the RROD but I don't trust microshaft with any hardware product.. if windows wasn't fully configurable I wouldn't have that either.

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Guest Princy

Just because you dont see a deeifrfnce here doesnt mean there isnt one. The xbox one has been having complaints about running choppy. The reality is the outdated hardware is becoming evident. A pc is always upgradable, so though the graphics will look the same, the PC version will have more potential to run at higher framerates even during the most intense action

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Guest Jasiu

Im so excited i cant wait i think halo is way beettr than cod there is a bigger difference between good players and bad players. Its not who ever sees the other person first it is more shot placement. I know im guna get lots of haters on this but maby its just cuz your garbage at halo?

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Ohhhhh this was AWESOME. Thank you so much for writing out exaltcy how I felt! I thought Microsoft's event was boring as hell and just, wow. It was awful. Absolutely awful. I watched Sony's even later in the day, and Sony is back man! It was absolutely awesome.Also, creepy 2 moments of the day was the Ubisofy host Aisha something or other saying that she had serious lady wood, and then also something about how we're a bit gay, just admit it. Hmmm Awkward .

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Guest Maggs

Financial assets have inasecred and equities have driven that increase. Equities protect against an investor's biggest risk -- loss of purchasing power. The problem is most people put their faith in housing. I think the younger generation will not make the same mistake.

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Guest Alejandro

It's like Fear Factor lite Really, Halloween is about candy. Not supper sdearps. Candy!I mean, really. Would you rather eat a skull salad, or a pack of Pixi Stix?I'd go for the Pixi Stix every time. They're filled with crack, you know. Really.

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Well, any doors which go to clearly poaulpted areas 100% definitely open. You're the first person to mention it, so I suspect you just need to look around a little more for the activator. It can be tricky to find. The sliding doors and their activators work on a vanilla based animation and activator, that's why they're awkward to find, and don't open very wide. There's nothing I can do about it, because the animations are very touchy. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.As for being used as a base, anyone is welcome to use it, but I will continue updating it in the future, possibly even for years to come, so using it as a base might prove tricky as new updates come out.

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I see. With your comment I deicded to push through, and I see what it is. It's a specific path through the building, that's why most doors do not work. A little weird imo but now that I know whats up I'm cool with it~ Also, the Shadow room destroyed my game e, ,e Lucky for autosaves though. That was some major bug-out. It is of course undoubtedly on my end. My computer is like 10 years old.GAH I love this mod so much. I just wish there was more to do.

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Guest David

Ive been in this situation be4the best excsulives for the 360 are Halo3 and halo3:odst which are FPSand for RPGs there ARe Fable 2 and fable 3 is comin outthere is also halo:wars which is a strategy gamefor the PS3 i think god of war 3 and the collection which has God of war 2 and 1infamousMetal gear solid 4 and uncharted 1 and 2 i think thats itReferences : if u want to see more search in wikipediafor xbox 360 excsulives and ps3 excsulives

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Guest Mariarita

It was fun walking aruond exploring the grounds. Most the doors wouldn't open though, despite there obviously being stuff behind them. I had to use the Disable command. And there were a loooooot of doors .Still. It's a pretty beautiful place. A lot of the textures seem flat, but I can live with that.I'd love to see the academy fully completed with actual NPCs attending classes or teaching classes.

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Guest Callme

You are more than welcome to show off sotenhimg you created based on a tutorial, a class or a tip from the Campus. There is always one free Master Class you can view, and a few tips and tricks in the Resources section. Remember that each project you show off is one entry to the BIG Show Off contest for a chance to win those fantastic prizes.

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Hey Sal,We currently only teach in 3 areas of the USA Oregon, California and Texas. To go other areas we need a miuminm of 4 students. Give us a call sometime 855 Fly Halo. We would love to discuss our training with you and answer any questions you may have.

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Guest Milton

alex_seph disse:Em momento algum eu criuiqtei o jogo por ser bonito, pelo contr rio, isso um grande m rito dele por sugar o m ximo do 360, mas frisei que os cen rios algumas vezes ficam confusos demais e voc perde orienta o, e n o sempre que se tem a setinha apontando para onde voc tem que ir. Quando o cen rio mais simples, mais aberto eu diria, voc n o fica perdido, mas isso n o faz o jogo ser bonito um problema. Sobre o M$ mania que peguei do F rum Outerspace, as vezes escrevo assim s para n o precisar escrever Microsoft, n o tenho nada contra em empresa, mas voc tem raz o, n o precisava colocar assim no review, foi desnecess rio, vou me policiar neste sentido. Quem dera fosse fanboy, se fosse n o iria precisar sustentar um PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS, Vita, iPad e derivados, seria mais barato. N o tenho prefer ncia por consoles, mas sim por jogos, e Halo 4 um deles, um bom jogo. Falei que a campanha ficou inferior a dos demais Halo's e isso minha opini o, pode ser que quando voc jogar ela ache mais legal, sem problema e tomara que voc curta, mas tirando isso e o problema de orienta o que falei, o restante do jogo foi tudo de bom. N o dar nota (se bem que nem dou nota nos reviews) praticamente m xima como fez a IGN n o quer dizer que detonei o game.

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Guest Peter

disse:Cara Depois de conhecer Call of Duty em Maio e tendo jogdao fren ticamente at lan ar o HALO 4 eu confesso que sinto falta de alguns refinamentos tipo Aim Down Sight, deitar no ch o e etc. Coisas de gameplay que deixam o jogo mais t cnico mas que no universo de Halo n o se justificam porque a mjornir(armadura dos spartans) j mostra no hud do visor a mira compensada conforme a pegada do spartan na arma e etc. Acho que isso o que dizem quando falam que HALO 4 mais do mesmo, pois a jogabilidade pouco mudou, tirando as habilidades de armadura, as melhorias de suporte e as especializa es que voc pega no multiplayer partir do level 50. Mas n o tem como dar nota baixa pra campanha. Eu vou ter que esperar o fim de semana para jogar os cap tulos finais pois minha namorada viu os primeiros cap tulos e agora quer ver o final, enquanto isso vou jogando o Multiplayer. Para ter uma base, pra mim o Resident Evil foi um game nota 8 e a campanha do HALO 4 me prende muito mais e o multi do Halo 4 me diverte mais do que o do MW3. Eu daria nota 9 para o Halo 4 por todo o conjunto pois n o acho que os cap tulos que restam da campanha v o me decepcionar. O multiplayer j me ganhou.

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Guest Nirmal

Lol, at first I thought you meant Gavin from Roosterteeth. Would be hiraoilus to see him attempt to make music. On the other hand it would be aweosme if you would work together with the real musician for Roosterteeth, Jeff Williams. However, your style may differ just a bit too much, I'm affraid. (if you don't know what Roosterteeth/red vs blue is ignore above paragraph. You never read anything)Well, if you've never played CoD before, I suppose it's not repetitive, so you don't have that disatvantage of already knowing everything from every previous CoD game.Personally I'm liking the variaty and tact halo uses opposed to the rediculous pace of CoD. At least after playing 3 CoD games that were highly similar and offered no real change for 5 games total.It's funny hearing you scream like that. Songs like Fear Not This Night shouldn't be a problem for you at all :P

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Guest Fauziya

Is that on PC, PS2 or XBOX 360? If it's on PS2, look up gametag: Viperhiggins or Youtube: Hardybucks and ask to play with him, he's the fniunest Irish guy I have ever seen playing COD-MW3, would love to see you guys together on a video :) This video was funny too hehe, would also love to play with you guys sometime if I get COD-BO2 ofc. Haven't played COD since MW2 (On both PS2 and PC). Went BF3 on PC but quit playing that because of aimbot and wallhack cheaters and glitchers. But seing this video made me wanna play COD again :D

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Guest Niharika

disse:J ia perguntar isso, pois da forma como voc esvcreeu no review, fiquei em d vida! Valeu! Apesar de, a partir do 3, ter todos dublados tamb m prefiro a voz original do Master Chief, muito mais carism tica. J at pensei em comprar outras c pias importadas de jogos que tenho, hehehe. A sua c pia importada voc pegou na PlayAsia ou conseguiu aqui no Brasil mesmo?

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very funny. It's a shame you play on xbox. I play Ps3 we could have played some games toetehgr ! by the way I listen your song in loop ! continue your good work (p.s. I LOVE reignite, if you can make otner ME song I would be more than happy :D )

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Guest Kenzhegul

disse:Eu?To morrendo de injeva de vc e do Seph. Infelizmente n o tenho um 360, assim como n o tenho nenhum preconceito contra qualquer console (talvez s com o Zeebo, mas j passou.hehe).Apesar de n o ser muito f de FPS adoraria jogar os games da franquia Halo (s terminei o 1 , no PC U_U).

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