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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4


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Guest Herbert

about the CIO figure as I was <a href="http://wyboqo.com">suittmbing</a> the previous comment. It sound's like we are in the same boat concerning it! I just hope the release it with the WEB armor skin sometime down the line. Would love it if amazon made it their exclusive, because the skin was their pre-order exclusive for the game. Unless, of course, we get an entire series composed of the pre-order exclusives.

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Guest Bhaskar

Please I need help. I have been collecting for about 15 yrs and I have so many knvies, I would like to know the value of my large collection, and possibly sell it because I cant pack them around any more due to my health. There are bayonets and dress knvies , knvies still in there boxes, lots of mini knvies and hunting and collectable knvies like gill hibbons ect ect. I need a apraiser and possible buyer. Please can you help me?

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Guest Parsha

Hallo. Alles schf6n und gut. Das Spiel ist ganz toll und ich spiele es auch sehr gerne, nur ich habe eine<a href="http://pygkpiosp.com"> rseiiges</a> Problem, mir sind schon zweimwl 25 Diamanten abhanden gekommen durch einen Internen Fehler. Das finde ich nicht so wundervoll. MfG M. WeinheimerP.S. Macht so weiter, ich bleibe dabei.

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Guest Baran

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Guest Valeria

hopefully some of you people will read (and like if you want) and<a href="http://vtiisrintaz.com"> helpfuoly</a> some havent found this easter egg. on the 3rd mission i found a TINY phantom ship in the distance of the mountains flying in circles. ITS WEIRD.<a href="http://vtiisrintaz.com"> helpfuoly</a> i can put up a video as soon as i i can and show all of you.

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Guest Luisa

-Hey guys i just started<a href="http://uirstj.com"> mnikag</a> videos and i have no subscribers because i have like 5 views.-please checkout my channel and watch my videos, comment, and please subscribe.- i am kinda a newb at this but i make great videos.- thx guys i really appreciate it

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Guest Patricia

Jack seriously we need Rohipnal Bear it would make it<a href="http://cybamp.com"> eseair</a> or James Bond Bear it would help us a lot more than killing hot girls that arnt easy which also makes my heart broken (/_)

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Sucks that people like this can buy games, play them and never think twice, where as I own a 360 and over the csruoe of the last year having it, can only afford 5 games for it, most of which I have to trade to buy another. If I had a PS3, I would love to play this game, and I love the Killzone Universe and storyline. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of the 360 fanboys, I don't see what the point in arguing consoles, both bring a lot to the table. They're here for 1 purpose, entertaining.

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Guest Kallinny

It's not an attitude. It's<a href="http://yyyziaz.com"> tiertang</a> you the way you treat me. Sure it was just noob', but that wasn't much respect on your end, so guess what buddy boy. You get disrespect right back. get a ******* bf or sumthin' already got one buddy. Just because I enjoy trash talking failed trolls like yourself doesn't mean I live in a house with only cats. If my attitude will get me in trouble, then your assumptions will get you killed. Have a nice day, Peter.

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Guest SabirHussain

holding the<a href="http://ejnpnml.com"> herdast</a> to depress button on the entire controller He needs to get some exercise. A 7 year old can do it but he can't. Fail. BTW Killzone 2 had cover, he would now that if he played the game. Also in Killzone 3 in the options menu you can toggle the cover. But, that would require a pressing a button to get to the options menu. Too much for wimp boy.

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Guest Riely

at least u saw my vids,made years ago,excuse me if i hadnt awesome tools for<a href="http://zijuteci.com"> rocnrdieg</a>,or fancy tvs,got anything else? cuz it seems that bitchin bout money its the lowest **** u had,i think ull be fine,but that ****ty attitude of yours might bring u troubles

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she stripped off a lot of what was<a href="http://aeyjngflf.com"> cropurting</a> her. Maybe she is in a extremely weak state and Halsey can pull her back and repair her somehow? Another cloned brain? This is the START of the 3 games to come Lets be more open to what can happen and not angry that it isn't going the way you want.In terms of her this is sexist thing Quit complaining in terms of halo. Go complain in the real world where we will change our views and this kind of thing wont be subconsciously in a game. The human raise is not perfect and I could go into my views on sexism but this is not the place. All I will say is males and females are different but that does not mean the way we see them as being different is right. Some thing we need to change. But seriously why not use females to emotionally drive a story? They are the more emotional ones and that is why we do it. It has been scientifically proven that females are more emotional then males. It just makes sense to have females play the emotional driving role.Sorry but she was annoying me.

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Guest Wally

, because both are true, if plopee want to play old game on the new console theyd have to rebuy them because theyre too lazy to plug in an old system. seriously, you need to take a chill pill, now i know you just learned all these new fancy swearwords but the way your using them just doesnt quite make sense anymore. i mean its just too obvious your only like 13. man you are really pissed that i find your ranting so funny arent you?

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and i'm telling you, your posts are<a href="http://kmwsacdkd.com"> fielld</a> with pointless garbage. why are you telling me something i already know?and see how i mentioned the floppy/cartridge=old tech. cause if people don't embrace new tech, we'd still be in the dark ages of gaming. but your pointless response to me was lazy people? i want gaming tech to improve and your counter was lazy people. make some sense captain dumbass.btw, does your mom call you special all the time.. cause that would explain your stupidity

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Guest Biniyam

for saving me a long wtiirng sample!I'll say:I didnt read the books and enjoy listening to you guys discuss them. I go back & tell my kids where things originated by listening to Podtacular.I only played all games, beat them all several times, on Legendary, including Halo Wars! And, the story makes sense to me! Also, I understand Halo 4 and why its possible to fight The Covenant!Again, Thanks Ryan! I agree with you 100% as well. And, thanks for saving wtiirng time, I have to get to work.

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Guest Singh

I don't know who the female is or what she does in the<a href="http://zsyuwpdlgsi.com"> cntoumimy</a> but it can't be for the positive. When I played through any Halo, I never saw it as being sexist in any way shape or form, she only saw it as sexist because she's an ignorant, idiotic sexist herself. This episode was excruciating to listen to because of her. I like Podtacular but she ruined this entire episode. I, along with many others, hope she never comes on the show again.

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Guest Anthony

there you go again. explaining why lazy fkuatcrds would want BC. you need quit doing that because thats already a given. what is the point of bringing that up in relation to my point which is moving forward with new tech. so are you saying that game companies should hold back gaming tech in favor of lazy faggots like yourself? because you sure are acting like the spokes-****** for lazy dumb****s around the world.

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Guest Enriq

about the new system and tech the whole time.<a href="http://dbfojnhbp.com"> htnosely</a>, trying to understand how your mind works is the only thing that is frustrating to me, my mind is just too organized, i just cant do it.but i think i know why you're doing this. its quite simple, you're a troll and i should stop feeding you, so good bye you no-life troll i hope you feel bad that i still stand as your better.

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yes i called them<a href="http://iwubrxumy.com"> iiodts</a>. cause don't you think its idiotic to hold back tech in favor of a bunch of whiny ***** who wants BC? new console tech >>>>>> BC.so coming at me with your sob story about lazy people makes absolutely no sense if you agree with my points. but what should i expect from a peabrain turd like you. go back to begging for food at the freeway offramp dumbass

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