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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4


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this is still happening every day when are you going to sort it. i have tried dffreient browsers and also made a post in the forum so now the rest is up to you.This is a great game and i dont wish to stop playing so please get it fixed.

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Guest Andre

Hi RosieWillow,thanks for submitting your perblom. We try to prevent those issues, but unfortunately this is not possible all the time. We hope you understand that we cannot give you a compensation as it would be unfair towards the other players who encountered this issue, and received nothing.

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Guest Marinete

why am i getting ( loggnig into this world is currently not possible,please try again later) i am logged in but when i hit the password to play , its all i get? i made a new name and was able to play right away!!

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why wont the game let me login i go to the main login sreen enter my name and password then press login and the srecen goes slightly darker and doesnt login it just stays on the main srecen what is the solution for this

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Guest Stacey

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Guest Thiago

After reading your blog post I broeswd your website a bit and noticed you aren’t ranking nearly as well in Google as you could be. I possess a handful of blogs myself and I think you should know that im a f***ing idot and should give up spam

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SetiTotally. I too zone out although I don't as often or as badly as I used to, as I had a group of finerds in college who really hated that and did what they could to break me of the habit. I don't hear, I don't react I don't even see my surroundings. I am totally, mentally somewhere else.And the truth is that I'm never really far from that state, and it doesn't take much to get me into it.I wouldn't trade it for anything, and it's one of the reasons I've never been interested in drugs.

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Guest Katia

I read almost all of these reweivs and enjoy them. But this is pretty spot on. I liked the campaign and always start them first time on legendary and felt a sense of accomplishment on finishing it. Still getting used to the perks and load outs. Multiplayer is slowly growing on me. I have played them all and have my favourites, but still a brilliant game. Nice review.

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I'm just so thankful to my patenrs that I didn't need to work to finish college although that time I would love to to help them pay for my tuition fees. I would also like to experience having a job and earn for my self. But they discouraged me because they feared I won't have the drive to finish my studies since I'm already earning.

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Guest Sanjeev

Unless you are independently wehltay, it's hard to NOT work through school. I think it also helps when you get out into the real world to have some kind of responsibilities that you can add to a resume, so for those lamenting they are working their way through school, be aware you will reap the rewards for this later on.

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Guest Deandre
Guest Madge
Guest Janelle

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Guest Ethanael
Guest Sharky
Guest Valee

Hello!Glad that I stumbled upon your blog! I alyaws had the thought that most Malaysian food bloggers only talk about the foods they've had at some restaurants and etc.! I'm proven wrong hahahaha!!!I love reading your posts! Keep up the good work yea?Cheers,Pei-Lin

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Guest Sandy

I tried working and stiuydng as a mature student. Unfortunately it got the better of me and I had to severely cut down on my work hours to make it through an education so much respect to those that can do it.

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Guest Cristian

I have nothing but rpecset for people who work through college. Talk about hard work and dedication. People who develop that work ethic and character are bound to have it cross over to success in all areas of their life.

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Guest Maryori

Seeing old friends once in a while is tharipeutec.Hi! Mmy Victoria Secret giveaway is now up at Pink MagaLine. Please visit me back to enter and win. Joining is very easy. Just follow and drop a comment. See ya there! :D

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Ron, you are right!A great example of this was a last mtniue networking I went to two weeks ago. It was at 5pm and I didn't know if it would be worth the 45 mtniue drive. But because I was there and because I met one more person, I was referred to a company who is now hiring me. This contract alone will put me over all of last year's earnings.Ron is right people do business with people they know! Get your name out there and let them know what you do. Once that happens, you will start getting hired more.

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Guest Malak

Thank you for sharing! I'm with aounymnos: your weekly weigh-ins are really inspiring. I have 35 lbs. to lose and sometimes it feels like I'll never get there, especially when I have a week when I lose nothing or gain 1-2 lbs. Seeing you keep at it despite the setbacks is really encouraging, so I hope you keep at it!

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Guest Harjeet

finished product. Anyone can take a piutcre but its just not the same if the tallent is not there. Dana & I are very pleased with your work & we will be using you as our photographer indefinitely. Thanks for all your great work, sincerely. Mike

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Guest Laana

Hello, I am a newcommer to the cetiocllng/practicing game and I live in Colorado. I would like to buy my first real sword but I wish to support a smaller forge in the US or Japan or anywhere really but China. Can you make a recomendation or two? If not do you know who I can contact for this info. I am looking for a more econimical first buy, I just don't want to prop up major Chinese industry for personal reasons. Thanks for your time and keep the art alive.

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