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Guest miceApoggidge
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rted to itch. I finally switched to head and shoulders shampoo and the itching is gone. My ears itch alot most of the time. I use walmart's anti itch cream on them. I've tried every anti itch product on the market. Most of the time, the wholesale cheap jerseys itching will be specific spots on my legs, arms, belly, neck. Each itching session has different itching spots. The ointments don't help. My brother had nerve damage in his hand. He had itching so bad that his doctor gave him a medication to stop the nerve itching. I have had good results with it. My doctor prescribed it. I don't know if this is the generic name or not: hydroxyz hcl 10 mg tablet, 1 @ 4 times daily. It does make me sleepy, but it relieves the itching. Sometimes I'll use the generic benedryl and get relief from the itching. Just depends on the intensity and the number of areas that are itching. Just reading about all this itching is making me start itching now! Hope my comments help. Thanks for your comments. It's the first time I've ever seen any comments on itching. Most doctors are unaware of all of the fibro symptoms. I had to show them that itching was one of them and this was when the symptoms list was about 40 and fibro had not been talked about as much as it is now. Oh, yes, I also use ice, too. Jesus Loves YOU. September 2, 2011 at 8:50 pm 95 renee says: I had severe itching, too, all over my body. My arms and my hips and my ankles it would start in one area and before I knew it I was clawing at my skin with no relief. I made an appointment with my dermatologist. He said that itching is usually from an internal source and isnt always able to be determined. He recommended that I take Zyrtec twice a day to help with the itching because it usually is a histamine reaction. So far it has worked pretty good. I've been taking it twice a day for about 3 or 4 months and have only hac minimal itching which I usually can soothe with lotion. September 2, 2011 at 11:12 pm 96 Pondering says: Hi! Well, it sure is good to know I'm not alone! Unfortunately, I have yet to find an answer. Benadryl, Claratin and all the rest of wholesale soccer jerseys the allergy meds have done nothi






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