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Guest hj9h4s80ta

top of the world. Not only was he viewed as one of America's best younger independents, but also he had won the approval of Abstract Expressionism's two most famous painters, and one of its major apologists.Unfortunately, however, that's as far as he got. For all his ability at fusing ``abstract and Expressionist traditions,'' his work ultimately was perceived as too idiosyncratic by those very same figures, and he was packed off to join the ranks of painters deemed insufficiently ``pure'' for critical canonization.His ``exile'' wasn't immediately apparent, of course, but such things seldom are. His reputation continued to grow, and as late as the early 1960s, he was still almost as wellknown as anyone else in American art.The signs were there, however, for those who knew where to look. He was increasingly described as a good painter rather than as an important artist his work was at first seldom and then never

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ia's transgressions and depredations must also be reevaluated. The world owes Yugoslavs (Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Muslims, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Albanians) nothing. We cannot blame anyone else for our tragedy. We brought it on our own heads. But the question is: Do the US, Canada, and Europe owe something to the ir own peace, security, and conscience that makes it right to stop such carnageAn American friend asked why Americans should risk their lives because crazy Yugoslavs are killing each other. My answer: Precisely for that reason to stop a mass slaughter of the innocent. But not only Americans all must help. And not only in Yugoslavia, but wherever international action is needed. This is what United Nations Secretary General Boutros BoutrosGhali recommends to the Security Council: standby forces of many countries for effective peaceenforcing not just peacekeeping, but peac emaking.For the first ti

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o cover the proceedings, which are expected to last about six weeks.Another element that helps to understand why the trial is causing a crescendo of anguished debate is that more than half the Europeans and Americans alive today were born after the fall of Berlin. The war's remaining survivors fear that the hardearned lessons of World War II are in danger of dying with them.Barbie's trial, writes Nobel Peace Prize winner Eli Weisel, who has devoted his life to keeping the Holocaust memory alive, ``can serve a vital purpose for future generations and for our own. Certain witness have to be heard certain truths have to be uttered, repeated.''It took a long time to come to this opinion. For years, even the survivors kept silent, out of horror and fear.In France, the war years became shrouded in a powerful myth. It said, in simple terms, that the illprepared French Army was overpowered by the German blitzkrieg, tha

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gan strategists themselves say they are not striving for a longterm party realignment but merely to improve the Republican presence in Congress keeping the Senate and picking up seats in the House. ''We just want to get back to the kind of situation the President had in 1981, where he could get his programs through,'' says independent consultant Charles Black.At the presidential level, however, there has already been a shift toward the Republicans in recent elections. The question is to what extent this election will signal appreciable change at the congressional and local levels.The Roosevelt shift of 1936 ''will not happen, but there has been a slow realignment over 20 years, and this election will give it impetus,'' says William Schneider of the American Enterprise Institute. ''The Republicans have been making gains at the presidential and Senate levels, so this is a drift to the Republicans, but not an ear

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Guest cs5z4v31mk

et would extend a temporary state salestax surcharge for six months and give the revenue about $700 million to local government. In November, state voters would be asked to make the surcharge permanent, thus giving localities more revenue. But money could be used only for police, fire, and other publicsafety services.The plan puts local governments in the uncomfortable position of having to rely on the voters to approve a tax, something Californians have been reluctant to do. Even if they were to, counties would still likely take a sizable drop in funding on top of a $525 million cut in state aid last year. In the meantime, they have to fashion budgets of their own not knowing if they will have the added salestax revenue this fall or not.It is a disaster for Los Angeles County, says Ed Edelman, chairman of the county Board of Supervisors.In anticipation of the parsimony in Sacramento, 46 out of 58 counties h

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e UN that NATO attacks would constitute ``fresh Croatian aggression and UN siding with Croatia.''The warning led some UN officials to believe that Mr. Martic and his Bosnian Serb allies had deliberately staged the air attacks on Bihac in order to reignite fighting in Croatia that was stilled by a shaky March 28 ceasefire.Escalating the war, the officials say, would be the most effective way to kill the ``contact group's'' peace plan for Bosnia, which was rejected by the Bosnian Serbs.The contact group consists of the US, Russia, Britain, France, and Germany.Drawing Croatia back into battle would also halt international efforts to broker economic and political accords to restore Zagreb's control over the third of its territory the rebel Serbs captured and declared as their own independent state in 1991.On Saturday, Croatian Serbs rejected an agreement on reopening utility and road links between their territories

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t on the edge, and the captain maneuvers the twinengine raft into three coastal caves. One cave roof is open to the sky. Another has a waterfall. In the third, the raft sails into pitch darkness, then makes a sharp turn and leaves by another entrance to everyone's oohs and aahs.Farther up the Na Pali coast, the raft lands on the beach at the onceinhabited Nualolo Valley. Here passengers can sun bathe, explore the verdant landscape, or snorkel in clear offshore waters. Captain Zodiac provides all the snorkel gear and a light lunch. Call 8088269371 for information.Travelers who don't want to feel every bump and bounce of the ocean waves on the exhilarating Zodiac raft rides should consider boarding the Lady Ann Cruises 36foot custombuilt boat, which also sails up the Na Pali coast and stops at the beach near Kalalau Valley for snorkeling. Take a roll from the shipboard lunch, rip it into tiny morsels, and throw t

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at is of voting age in California, for example, surged 117 percent from 1970 to 1980. And, according to a private research group, rapid increases in California's Hispanic and Asian populations could lead to the white population's losing its majority status within 25 years. The Hispanic votingage population of California climbed to 2,775,170 in 1980 and has continued moving upward at a rapid rate since that last official census. In Florida, growth was 130 percent, in Texas, 82 percent.What does this mean politicallyFirst, it should be wonderful news for Democrats. Both MexicanAmericans and Puerto Ricans (concentrated in New York State) usually vote Democratic.In the 1982 elections for Congress, for example, 82 percent of Hispanic voters supported Democratic candidates only 16 percent, Republican, according to NBC/Associated Press exit surveys.Presidential voting is usually the same. In 1980, Hispanics supported

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Guest lv4l5w55ii

l jazeera international vil sandsynligvis vre mindre om de historier, den dkker, og mere om, hvordan det rapporterer them.some hber kanalen vil give globale nyheder fra perspektivet af det globale syd, mens andre frygter at kanalens arabiske muslimske backer , sheikh hamad bin khalifah althani , herskeren af qatar, kan bruge den til at ophidse antiwestern stemning eller endda benlyst proselytize.the faktum, at sheikh althani vidt omfang opfattes som en beskeden reformator inden mellemsten gr ikke ' t dmpe bekymring blandt nogle i west.organizations som forenede amerikanske udvalget en selfdescribed bevgelse for at fremme borgernes deltagelse i nationale sikkerhedssprgsml , og vgne washington om sprgsmlet om islamisk ekstremisme , der organiserer demonstrationer mo

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Guest dlqsqaah7937

new methods to distinguish real from fake ivory and elephant from mammoth ivory. Mammoth ivory has large amounts of the element strontium, which can be detected by Xray.Also, the Ministry of Industry and International Trade (MITI), the guiding hand to Japan's economic miracle, sponsored a trip of ivory merchants to the Soviet Union last March. The group explored the possibility of using Siberian mammoth tusks, although such ivory has been lying frozen in the snow and subsoil since the last Ice Age, when the wooly beasts roamed the planet.MITI's sponsorship was intended to make up for its decision to support the import ban and thus threaten the livelihood of several thousand ivory wo

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ive passages marrying the artist's eye to the poet's tongue. Neatly, the author captures scenes of Renaissance warfare: Nicholas, urging his horse, saw Piccinino's guns fire, grey carnations in the hot sunlight, and then saw them tossed aside as the terrified tracehorses reared at the noise.Never content with a pastiche of names and dates, Dunnett penetrates the 15thcentury psyche even as she attends to the minutia of manners and mores, social, legal, religious, cultural.Race of Scorpionsis permeated with the uncertainties and pleasures of the early Renaissance: the dangers and difficulties of travel, the accepted cruelties that fretted the interlaced Italian, Byzantine, a

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lender says, and Americans could save 364,000 barrels of oil a year if each household used one bottle of his detergent instead of a traditional brand.For most consumers, environmental issues rank far lower than such concerns as price and brandloyalty, according to a survey by Roper Starch Worldwide, a New York research firm. In 1994, fewer Americans (17 percent) said they shopped environmentally than did respondents in 1991 (25 percent).Consumers take environmental issues most into account when they decide which household cleaner or lawn and garden product to buy.Environmentalists say it will be hard to know how strong the demand is for Earthfriendly products until more are availabl

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his Moolanithi Sangsan Dek or Foundation for the Better Life of Children, he rescues vagabond children from the infamous redlight districts and the streets, providing them with an education and even shelter (see related story).I am concerned about the children who cannot afford to go to primary school or who graduate from primary school and cannot read and write, says Mr. Wallop.He has established a network of four shelters where he houses 225 children brought to him by Buddhist monks, police, social workers, parents, and hospitals. He then places the children in governmentrun schools or adult education classes.Many of Bangkok's construction workers now live in 20 established camps

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Guest zb2k4g44ps

agreement on ice.The May accord has become a major vehicle for bitter debate between Lebanon's traditionally dominant Maronite Christian leadership and an increasingly militant MuslimDruze opposition over the shape the wartorn country should take.The opposition particularly men like Druze chief Walid Jumblatt and Shiite Muslim leader Nabih Berri sees the accord as a sellout to the Israelis and as part of a longtime move by Lebanon's proWestern Christians to pry the country loose from the Arab world.The argument has so far held center stage at the conference, which is only later supposed to consider bedrock social, religious, and economic issues that have helped fuel eight years

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arly throws a whole network off schedule, or when an eager newscaster gets a case of nervous perspiration at the worst possible moment.Among the stars of Broadcast News,the big revelation is Holly Hunter, whose earlier work includes the movie Raising Arizonaand some stage roles. As the lovable but highpowered producer she has just the right mixture of strength, vulnerability, and charm, and I'm sure there's an Oscar nomination in her near future.Albert Brooks (no relation to James L.) has the funniest scene of the year as the sweaty newscaster, and William Hurt is wryly convincing as the goodlooking but lunkheaded anchor. Jack Nicholson dourly hams it up in the small role

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supporters attended the rally.Recently, Mr. Mandela warned supporters not to pitch their expectations too high and abandon mass protest now that they have achieved the vote.Mr. De Klerk, addressing a multiracial crowd of about 15,000 at the NP's closing rally in Cape Town on Saturday, portrayed the ANC as an ungodly and unChristianparty in alliance with communists.Inkatha leader Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi addressed wellattended closing rallies in Soweto and the KwaZulu capital of Ulundi yesterday. He projected Inkatha as the true custodian of free enterprise federalism and political freedom.Chief Buthelezi has vowed to abide by the international community's judgment on whether

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and others capped and ensconced deep in the riverbed will bring about the same environmental result at a fraction of the cost.For years, that's been an acceptable alternative in communities across the country. But it's not good enough for Newburgh. We are the front line, says City Manager Harry Porr. Whatever happens here with the ... cleanup, there are hundreds, literally hundreds, of such sites all around the East Coast that still need to be cleaned up.Similar conflicts are emerging across the US from the EPA's recent proposal to dredge more than 1 million pounds of PCBs from the Hudson to Oak Park, Ill., where commissioners are seeking to remove thousands of pounds of contaminat

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Guest io2y0l20uc

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