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Guest sauttytyperee

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Guest Heawscreade

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Guest miceApoggidge
Guest Smubbemonow

tal! i have messed guys up before in water polo 8230 And swimming=pain, but thats why swimmers love it. Only real athletes swim. Oh and i like the people who think water polo is a joke, they probably think its riding a horse in water 8230 January 2, 2012 at 5:41 am 326 Mr. Military says: But don't get me wrong, i love wrestling!, i do MMA in the off season and i love it! It just doesn't even come close to water polo or swim. January 2, 2012 at 5:41 pm 327 your mom says: Anyone for competitive cleaning, aka the ultimate womens sport January 10, 2012 at 12:32 am 328 Swilly says: Are you kidding? Water polo isn't even on the list? that's not an accurate list! January 10, 2012 at 7:32 pm 329 Tori says: Gymnastics is the hardest! And I don't think boxing is even close to being first! Gymnasts practice everyday ALL YEAR. January 10, 2012 at 8:41 pm 330 Brandon says: Basketball before wrestling? Basketball is one of the most laid back and joyful sports out there. Basketball shouldn't even be on the list. Wrestling is definitely the hardest. Using every muscle in your body to put your opponent on his back for 6 minutes. No breaks or rests in between periods. Just you and your opponent trying to beat the living crap out of eachother with skill, technique and strenght. That's a real sport. January 21, 2012 at 4:28 am 331 Zac says: Cycling is the hardest sport in the world. I compete a very high level of cycling. I have to train 13 times a week doing many different things from 200km road rides at a 40kph+ average to 3 hour gym sessions. when your out racing in 200km plus races on your bike going up 10km+ long climbs at gradients over 8% your whole body screams out in pain as your body starts to shut down parts of your body to keep your legs going. Your heart beats at 180 beats per minute to keep the blood going round your body and your lungs start to feel as if they are being ripped out cheap football shirts uk of your chest. this pain lasts for hours. Then you have the mental stress that happens when you concentrate for hours on end football shirts for sale going down steep downhills at 100kph and having to work out in split seconds how to get around a cone


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Guest miceApoggidge
Guest miceApoggidge
Guest miceApoggidge
Guest Truckarer

Margaret writes, "I am allergic to substances used in very, very many shoes as are soccer jerseys cheap an increasing number of people. "When it first happened to me, I thought I must be crazy. ? Bought a new pair of walking shoes, wore them for one hour with socks on my treadmill, and afterward the skin on the tops of my toes and feet felt irritated and itchy. ? I wore those shoes a total of three one hour stints, resulting in the tops and soles of my feet feeling chemically burned and incredibly itchy. "For weeks, whenever my feet got hot, the intense burning and itching returned, making my feet feel like I'd been stung by bees. ? Since that initial acute reaction, I have developed reactions to many of my other shoes that had not previously bothered me to a noticeable degree. "Thinking I must be nuts, wholesale soccer jerseys I Googled "shoe allergy" and found that I am not crazy and I am not alone. ? I found a forum of people all discussing shoe allergies and a list of the most common allergens, which include glues, dyes, tanning chemicals, rubber accelerators, etc. "My dermatologist had a "shoe kit" and tested me for all the most common culprits, but we?didn't?find what substance s I am allergic to. ? He said he could continue testing with a longer list, but it would be expensive and then there is the problem?that shoe manufacturers?can't usually tell you or guarantee you?what is or is not used in any given shoe, anyway. "Now, ?every single pair of shoes I buy, whether?athletic shoes, dress shoes, ?sandals, etc., I have to buy them, wear them around inside for several?hours, and try to determine if my feet are going to react. ? Sadly, most shoes do cause a reaction, and?then I have to return them and start over. ? Margaret. " I myself have had a wide variety of allergies. ? I found several research studies that confirmed that people have allergies to a wide variety of adhesives, rubber chemicals, and leather treatments used in shoes and insoles. ? Often, the allergy produces contact dermatitis. ? As Margaret points out, this can be painful and distressing. ? Ultimately, you have to learn how to avoid the chemical that is causing it. ? Bec


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