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Banned from the shout box

Guest Mr. Evil

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Guest ShadowSlayer

Don't need a lecture, tell me why and how long this lasts. I was defending it from a ****** bag who, Spammed, trolled, and insulted quite a few of our members. And I'm banned?

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Guest ShadowSlayer


2. Trolling


IDK What you you were doing but ask a mod how long. It depends.

Wasn't doing either of those. I was defending the website from a member who wouldn't stop spamming, trolling and insulting other members. It's messed up.
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Guest ShadowSlayer

It will happen pretty sure. They can perma ban you or they can usually be 2 weeks.

2 weeks seems kinda long for a 1st warning ban. :question:
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You were probably banned for one of the following : Cursing, spamming, religious and political talk, offensive material, and trolling. I understand you tried to defend the forum from a jerk. But next time tell them Good day sir and move on. That's why we have mods. Its not a personal thing, we just want to make sure you don't do this again because it only causes more aggression and we are trying to set example for future members. So please patiently wait out the ban and handle it not so rough next time. Let them troll and watch Spectral Jester's magic and *poof* jerk gone. So its ok, we're not mad. We are happy that you want to defend us from the perils of the world, but don't get so aggressive about it in the future. :laughing:


~ Twilight Sparkle

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