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Capture The Warthog


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XboxLiveGT: Ray iz Ramb0


This is a suggestion for custom/fun paylist online.


Basically and simply it is similar to capture the flag but instead it can be played with teams of 2 or 4.


Basically, you're on the red/blue/pink w.e team and there is a warthog in the middle of the map. Your team objective is to get inside the Warthog and drive around. As long as you're in the warthog you gain points such as how saying in the territory in king of the hill you gain points. The other teams try to kill you while your in the warthog so they can get in it.


The warthog is indestructible unless driven off the map, then it will re spawn.


What ever team is driving gets the points, not the team who is in the passenger of gunner seat.


Thoughts/Suggestions below?

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