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Project: Eternal Night (Machinima)


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After years, months, and weeks of planning this I decided to put my foot on the ground and finally produce this project of mine. You may be wondering what it's now aren't you?

The machinima project is named Eternal Night. The characters and plot will be listed below.




Main character of the story. Goes through changes as the story moves on showing different personalities than before.




Also main character. She's the AI for James who helps him throughout the story. She cares for him, like a mother cares for her son.

Open: Female VA needed



Main Character. Won't show up much but will have dialogue throughout the machinima. He will play somewhat of a huge role.

Open: Male VA needed. Preferably with a Spanish accent



Side character. She is the assistant towards Chavez. She checks everything that goes to him.

Open: Female VA needed *May also Voice Act for Crispy as well.*



The scientist, the guy that started it all. He made the project, he turned it on. The world is on the brink of destruction because of him.




The main antagonist of the story, he will haunt your dreams and thoughts. This is one person you shouldn't see. He won't need a body actor. He's too scary to be implemented in the machinima as a bodily figure.



The plot and the Genre:


James was sent in with a squad. John, Nick, and Carver to find and locate a scientist named Alex who created a projected and code named it Eternal Night. Alex sent in a confirmation notice to Chavez, he denied it. Alex ignored it and turned it on. He got sucked in by a unknown force. Chavez sent in the squad. But he didn't know what secrets lay behind what the portal could do. It traveled dimensions, most of all, it traveled to the void. Which is a place between two separate dimensions that work ironically towards each other. The void wielded a force unknown to man. A terrifying creature who calls himself a god.This god killed of James's squad one by one. Playing with him. Breaking him so he could finish James off. What this god didn't know is that James wasn't going to let go so easy.




This machinima is special. It takes away all the shooting and fills it with adventure, mystery, and most of all, horror. What I mean is that the god who is following James is a creature that should never be seen. Each time he is around he lights will flicker, you'll hear the scraping of his claws and the slithery sound of his wet tentacles. His appearance is unknown and will not be shown because I want to save your sanity. The mystery part is the greatest. You won't know what Kai will look like, you'll only hear his ghostly terrifying voice and the sound when he moves, it makes you wonder who he is, and what does he look like. You'll might want to know what happened to James's squad? How did they find the portal? What did it look like? It won't be revealed for a while, certainly not if the machinima doesn't get big enough and attract a audience.

Adventure you say? What does the Void wield? What places does it hold? It's filled with scenic sites, ruins, earthly spaces, and terrifying crawl spaces. The action is mostly replaces with this. It also brings in a narrating feel to it. Talking in third to first person most of the time. Talking from the lone survivor.


Reason for making this is because people are known to watch the Covenant vs the UNSC. Why not bring a different more Sci-Fi feel? Something that doesn't involve taking some of the Halo characters/Species and putting them in. Why not take out that action for the narration and deep story telling. Get away from the repeated action scenes that always repeat themselves and add one in every couple of episodes with a lot variety.


Application Templates:

Voice Acting:


Age: (Doesn't matter if you can pull off a adult voice than you're in. If you can't I will do my best to add a scene in that will suit your voice. I want to give everyone a chance.)






Previous builds:

Skype: *Don't need one if you don't have one*





Work before? Than show them off!:



Are you able to pull off an immersive/engaging story?


Cinematographer (Look it up if you need a definition)

Project before:

Can you give views that will amaze people:


Capture Card:


You do not need a capture card for this, you can easily record the clips in-game and send them to me for recording.


Video Effects or Animation:

Effects or Animator:

Sweet graphical artwork (Effects):

Sweet Animation artwork:



(I can manage this myself but help is greatly appreciated for this)


Voice Acting audition lines:


"James? James can you hear me?" *Worried tone*

"Radiation surge detected nearby, you better check it out" *Informative tone*

"Something is wrong, James. I don't fe--" *In pain, Frantic*



"You mean the thing that killed my squad? That killed James? Leave..... LEAVE!" *Normal to angry* *Normal quiet tone for First leave* *Yell very angrily for second leave*

"James, he's playing tricks with you. Nothing is real" *Informative tone*



"Chavez, calm down. Relax" *Caring tone*

"That.. He... I swear it was right there" *Confused tone*


Here's a quick template video a made to showcase the intro. It's just a template for it as well. Will be updated soon.




Edited by Minuette
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Gamertag = ThERavinGPixiE

Gender = Female

Location = Texas, USA

Position = voice actor, character, enemy, eh whatever you need :)


Will send you a voice clip as soon as I locate my mic in one of the boxes from moving lol.

Gamertag = ThERavinGPixiE

Gender = Female

Location = Texas, USA

Position = voice actor, character, enemy, eh whatever you need :)


Will send you a voice clip as soon as I locate my mic in one of the boxes from moving lol.

Great! I just found out the part for you, if you want to you can be one of the main characters, but you won't have to be a body actor, just a voice actor, the position that I am proposing to you is a AI named Crispy that is going through corruption in the first and second episode and the person who is the carrier is James, a hired Squad who had his team killed and now its only him left, but he has some friends that will help him on the way, or even die trying...

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Building: Forge sets. Primarily apocalyptic/ruined structures

Previous builds: none for machinima, quite a few private projects I am willing to show you

Skype: none


Dedication: don't know what you mean by this. A lot, I guess.

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Work before? Than show them off!: I have done this before but I don't archive my scripts.

Skype: none

Dedicated: A lot

Are you able to pull off an immersive/engaging story?: Yes!

Can you PM me one of them?


Building: Forge sets. Primarily apocalyptic/ruined structures

Previous builds: none for machinima, quite a few private projects I am willing to show you

Skype: none


Dedication: don't know what you mean by this. A lot, I guess.

Have you ever worked/willing to work with Halo 3's forge? Or if you even have the game.

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