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The Flood is far from defeated

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So halo 3 wrapped up with a nice little ending with the covenant alliance falling apart, truth was silenced, and the flood threat was eliminated... right?

I say wrong.


And here is my evidence


"Knowing that it faced its own complete extinction, what remained of the uninfected, stable specimens fled the galaxy aboard a commandeered vessel, destination unknown and remained dormant for thousands of years, biding it's time."




As we all know, the flood are ruthless. The scary thing about the flood is not necessarily their combat abilities... a single combat form alone really stands no threat against an agile warrior. But what about 7 billion? Thats when things get a bit scary.


The flood retreated to 'god knows where' for literally thousands of years. Who knows what planets they came across, what civilazations they conquered and the sheer mass that they eventually required. When you really start to look at the cosmos as a whole, an infection like the flood NEEDS to be stopped early. And the flood was not.


So i say that no matter what happy ending halo shows or bungie or 343 wraps up with, eventually more flood will come... and they will suceed.

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  On 6/14/2012 at 7:49 PM, Rogue said:

No Flood in Halo 4.. They didn't say "No Flood in Reclaimer Trilogy" , just none in Halo 4.. Makes me think WHEN they're debuting this time around.


They'll be back. They always come back.


I'm sure we will see them in one of the upcoming games. I hope they eventualy close this new series with the flood just eventually winning.

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Well Frank O'Connor said we wouldn't be fighting the Flood in Halo 4 he didn't say they won't be in it. There are tons of things we haven't seen yet. As for the Flood not being eliminated, that's a given. They live through many galaxies so you're right there is no way to tell how many planets they've colonized.

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I said this once before and I will say it again. You cannot destroy an infection, or a parasite. It can be defeated but not permanently eradicated. It will always be around. You can destroy the host forms but it will only infect more hosts. As a result of this, the parasite will never be permanently eradicated. Never. It will always come back, as the same thing or as another thing.


Therefore, the parasite can always be in every game for every reason.

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  On 6/15/2012 at 8:10 AM, Azaxx said:

Well the did start somewhere in the Human and Prophet alliance before the ancient war. As pets lol, then they went rogue. And an intelligence was born.


Imagine my surprise when i learned that. Haha I've always thought the flood was the coolest element in the Halo games. And they were once mutated pets.

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  On 6/14/2012 at 5:19 PM, Mr.TGBiggles said:

The flood should come back, but it mya be like near the end, because they want to focus on the foreunners and prometheans.


just a side note, prometheans are forrunners! the forrunners had social classes like we have upper, midle, and lower class citizens.

the prometheans are the forrunners worrior sect, which was equivlent to our lower class because the forrunners wanted to preserve the peace in the galaxy thus they worroir were only needed for police work. their upper class was the builders, because they wanted other races to recognize their architectual prowess.


In the books by Greg Bear, Cryptum and Primordium it was stated that the flood crashed in to the main human planet as infection spores on a commet. the humans found the spores and not knowing what they were started feeding the spores to their pets. so one can summize from that, that the flood came from an unknown regon of space, also it was stated that there wree more then one gravemind! in Primordiom there are at least three different graveminds. In the short story cortana from one of the halo evolution books it is stated that while cortana is traped with the gravemind that the gravemind steals all the knowledge of all of its victums even AIs, and that the particular gravemind that cortana was fighting being absorbed by had conquered many ancient civilization. from all of this info one can safly assume that while they did defeat one gravemind in halo3 that there were many others in the unknown universe and that the humans had only destroyed a small part of the overall infection.


also a little further up some one commented that they beleive that the other rings were infected with flood. according to the books only two of the halos had flood on them, one of which had three graveminds, the other 343 sparks instalation had the flood quarantined for study. then in the terminals from anniversary 343 spark started to go mad after so many years by himself and let the study specimens free. he still had them quarinteend but instead of being stuck in test tubes they were simply locked in a couple of bigger rooms, until the elites let them out. so only two of the twelve rings should have flood on them if you fallow the books.


on a side note, i thought i had read that there were origanly seven rings, then on a different post i saw that someone else read that there were twelve rings and two arks, and that comment was confirmed by one of the sites moderators. so i have to reread somof the book to make sure i have some of the finer details right. but over all i am confident that the flood has not been wholy defeted, just slowed down.

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  On 12/9/2012 at 9:10 AM, Caboose the Ace said:

we have ro wait and see 4 halo 5 6 78 9


don't get me wrong because i am a huge halo fan! but i hope that there is no halo 9, i don't want to see this turn in to another money hungery franchies like final fantisy. i think there coming out with final fantisy 14 now. dear god will it ever end. what if there were 14 lord of the rings movies, or 14 starwars movies. i say let the series end on a good note rather than making too many sequals that just drag the original series plot lines and name through the mud. no need to tarnish the otherwise good track record that halo has, with exception to reach of corse.


reach was a betrayal to all other halos! i love the multiplayer but the story had too many flaws and contriditions!

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