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Why exactly is there no SMG dual wield ability?


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At first i heard it was because it would not fit the loadout scheme they worked on. but after pondering it, how would it not? that could just be an ability in your loadout to be able to dual weild. I feel like that would be a great option since you can do double the damage in half the time if you use dual weild, but you would only be able to use it at the cost of not being able to pick other options.


what do you people think? should 343i consider implementing dual wield? I know alot of people, such as myself, really enjoyed that feature in halo 2 and 3.


I think if this thread gets enough feedback I might just make a poll

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The reason is that 343 has spent days and weeks of time working on balancing all of the weapons in the game to make the multiplayer experience as enjoyable as possible. However they took out duel wielding because this was much to complicated to take I.to the balancing progress. If they would have allowed it they would have recieved constant complaints about weapon combinations throughout the time that halo 4 matchmaking is up.


They were originally going to include duel wielding and they were very excited to bring it back. However due to complications they took it out to male sure we all could enjoy halo 4 matchmaking to its fullest.


It seems now that this is a bad thing but I am sure it we turn out ok in the future.

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Didn't care much for dual wielding. People complain about overpowered weapons and abilities, but dual wielding is massively overpowered. Leave it where it belongs in the past.


As right as you are I would like to see it return but be in very specific playlists. Along with the option to use it in customs

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Dual wielding was taken out because of the need for balance. If you weaken dual-wieldable weapons, then you end up with weapons that are only useful when they are dual wielded. If you leave them at normal strength, then you end up with dual-wield combos that are massively overpowered.

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