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Hello Community ! :)

Violin Spider

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My name’s Alessio and I’m Italian.


I’m an xbox ambassador and a beta tester.


I play Halo from 8 years.

I have all Halos with max limited editions.

I have also Call of Duty limited editions and all chapters.


On bungie.net forums I was a legendary member and I'm also an active member on xbox.com forums.


Now I spend almost all my days writing on these forums and playing Halo and CoD.

I completed all campaigns on legendary difficulty.

Also I did more than 20 times on legendary the Halo 1 campaign.


I love Halo and xbox communities.

Also, add me if you want to play some Halo together.

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I'd love to play some halo some time good sir, please do inform me however, what is an your position on xboxlive for, I have several friends who are and them are kept pretty busy with it. Is it a sort of paid job by Microsoft?

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welcome! are you a internal beta tester? if so did you test halo4? i played all the beta's. halo reach alpha and halo reach official beta. as for halo 3 i bought crackdown just to play halo3 beta LOL :D

Sometimes yes, I tested 9 betas and an Internal for a security pc program.

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your time IN HELL!

LOL, Thanks

I'd love to play some halo some time good sir, please do inform me however, what is an your position on xboxlive for, I have several friends who are and them are kept pretty busy with it. Is it a sort of paid job by Microsoft?

Not paid, I'm too young, but I pay 50 or 75 % off for pc games when they decide do give me those sales ^_^

I'm also an xbox ambassador (you know what is it).

If you want to play toghether add me ;)

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