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Forum League table idea

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In all of the tournaments I have participated in many players who have signed up agreeing to play to haven't showed up. Although tournemants are good and exciting, they take along time to set up and don't happen often due to the amount of competitors required. Also they lack the short term competion on a weekly and even daily basis.


In my opinion, we should also start making some leagues in the forum. Leagues will offer the following things- :


- Short term Competition on a daily basis with a long term goal eg becoming top of the table


- A chance for competition in various areas rather than traditional competition in tournaments e.g ffa, sniping


- A chance to tally stats and build up a competitive portfolio (with wins, looses etc)


- A great incentive for others to join the forum


- More opportunity for Medals, Rewards and competition


Here is a list of suggestions of the types of leagues we should have:


- 1v1 League (MLG Rules)


- 2v2 League (MLG Rules)


- 4v4 League (MLG Rules)


- Snipers League (1v1)


- FFA League (8players needed to start a game)


- Grifball League (4V4)


- Swot League (4v4)





Please feel free to comment, do you support this idea? Disregard it completely? What kind of league would you like to see? But most importantly do you think this league system will fundamentally work

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Nice idea, but, are you sure we have nough active members for this? for each league? i like hte idea gazzy and you have good intentions, but, right now, the foru mis too small with active members who will play MLG, especially, for the maority. most tournaments don't work because new members join, then don't play because they don't know the time they are meant to play because they don't check the florum, and then they leave. i like the idea of leagues, but, IMO, too many people will join whow will just leave, and you'll have to give defaults so much.



Seems like too much work.

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I quite like the idea of this, but it could be really awkward to organise - what happens if a player misses a game, for example? And do we work on a win/loss scale or some sort of points system (3/win, 1/draw, 0/lose, for example). It also caters quite heavily to Slayer gametypes, and MLG rules. The first is only a problem due to lack of variety (and because we'd be stuck with the same two or three maps if we want balanced matches) but using MLG rules could put a lot of players off, and that would make getting enough players together to actually form the league difficult.


Then you have to decide for things like 2v2 and 4v4, are players scored individually or must they form teams? And if it's the former, do they get marked on kills and deaths or points for wins and losses? Someone could go 24/1 and get nothing with a points system, but someone who plays a support role with Plasma Weapons may help his teams win nearly every game but have a rubbish K/D.


On top of that, do we use default maps and settings or modified versions of each map; do we use pre- or post-TU settings; should some gametypes be Zero Bloom; are players restricted to certain playlists; if we include Objective games, are they to be Symmetric or Asymmetric; how do we determine who ranks higher if two teams rank equal on points; do the organisers dictate what gametype and what map are played on each fixture, or do they let the competitors vote from a list; should we allow players to switch teams during a season? I'm not trying to put you off, but these are all things that need to be considered.

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