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The Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut is a downloadable content pack that will expand upon the events at the end of Mass Effect 3. Through additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes, the Extended Cut will include deeper insight to Commander Shepard’s journey based on player choices during the war against the Reapers. The Extended Cut will be available to download at no additional charge on June 26th on Xbox 360 and PC and PlayStation 3.



When does the Extended Cut release?

The Extended Cut will release on June 26th on Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 in North America and July 4th for PlayStation 3 in Europe.


How large is the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut requires roughly 1.9 gigabytes of storage.


How do I get the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut can be downloaded from Xbox LIVE, Origin on PC, and PlayStation Network at no additional cost.


What is included in the Extended Cut?

The Extended Cut expands on the endings of Mass Effect 3 through additional scenes and epilogue sequences. It provides more of the answers and closure that players have been asking for. It gives a sense of what the future holds as a result of the decisions made throughout the series. And it shows greater detail in the successes or failures based on how players achieved their endings.


Does the Extended Cut change the endings?

The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions.


What save game should I load to play the Extended Cut?

[spoilerS] To experience the Extended Cut, load a save game from before the attack on the Cerberus Base and play through to the end of the game. The Extended Cut endings will differ depending on choices made throughout the Mass Effect series, so multiple playthroughs with a variety of different decisions will be required to experience the variety of possibilities offered by the new content.


Where can I learn more about the Extended Cut?

To learn more about the Extended Cut, please enjoy the Extended Cut interview podcast with Community Manager Jessica Merizan, Executive Producer Casey Hudson, and Lead Writer Mac Walters.

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I have heard about this before.... but in a different way because people say that shepard was going through indoctorination, and he was simply dreaming about going through the citedal... I should get this but I don't have a save game at the cerberus base

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Yeah I was thinking the same thing, how one extended cut download is almost as much as the game.


I know, it's insane! Just for comparison, I checked and it's possible to download an entire episode of Doctor Who, in HD, for about 0.5 gigabytes. How the heck can a simple ending DLC take up almost as much space as three hours of HD video!?

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This would be great, if Bioware weren't such a **** company at patching things. I haven't been able to play this game since April time, due to a load error connected to EA. There is nothing being done about it.

Thanks Bioware!

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