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Halo 4 - Cortana's rise and fall


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Cortana - Halo 4


Cortana has an major role in Halo 4 as said by 343 industries. She's goes through many changes throught out the game. Such as, personallity, mood, and appearance. GameInfomer states, "Her death affects Master Cheif personally and emotionally throughtout the game." The video link below has 343i developer, Frank O'connor talks about Cortona's new placemnt in the Reclaimer trilogy and how she plays her significant role in Halo 4.



You can view discussing Cortana and her role in Halo 4, here.

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  • 4 months later...

If cortana dies it won teven feel like halo anymore. Shes been in every major game and without her none of chiefs accomplisments would be possible. I figured she would die but in 6 not 4 thats just way too soon. I dont see how this will be a 3 game story arc with the ending of 4.

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Well Cortana told Chief in the end "Most of me is still back there." and she did spend some time with the Librarian so it is possible the Librarian did some alterations to her as she did with Chief. So maybe, with the help from Doctor Hasley, Chief may find a way to bring Cortana back/retrieve her but that is assuming that she isn't 100% dead

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Well Cortana told Chief in the end "Most of me is still back there." and she did spend some time with the Librarian so it is possible the Librarian did some alterations to her as she did with Chief. So maybe, with the help from Doctor Hasley, Chief may find a way to bring Cortana back/retrieve her but that is assuming that she isn't 100% dead

Agreed. I don't think she's actually dead. Plus there are probably ways they can have her come back

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Well Cortana told Chief in the end "Most of me is still back there." and she did spend some time with the Librarian so it is possible the Librarian did some alterations to her as she did with Chief. So maybe, with the help from Doctor Hasley, Chief may find a way to bring Cortana back/retrieve her but that is assuming that she isn't 100% dead

And "back there" was nuked...
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