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Mandalorian Helmet

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As we all know or should know, Bungie did some kind of partnership type of thing with the makers of Ninja Gaiden to put the Hayabusa armor into Halo 3. Well, what if 343 Industries did the same thing with Lucas Arts and got to put the Mandalorian armor (Jango Fett / Boba Fett armor) or at least somethinig like it into Halo 4. Of course it wouldn't be exactly the same armor, just like the way the Hayabusa armor of Halo 3 was, but it would be a lot like it. Mostly the helmet would be the significant part. I'm not saying they will do this, and I highly doubt that they will, but it would be a nice touch to the game. Agree?

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It might be cool.... in a way.... But, I personally wouldnt like to see it. It doesnt really show creativity for that armor set. It is simply taken from something else. I like creativity, and would love to see brand new armor and whatnot. I mean, the Spartan 4 armor is pretty sick, because it is creative and new!

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