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who was absolute dog


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You really missed out on meeting a great member, unfortunately. Absolute Dog is considered one of the best moderators ever to wear the blue name, and he sacrificed a lot of his time to help take care of the forum. He organized playdates, events, and other fun things for members to do. Since he left, things here have been a little rickety, but other members have been trying to fill his shoes by organizing playdates, tournaments, and whatnot.


A good analogy is for what AD did in the past, it now takes 2 or 3 normal members to accomplish. That, and his awesome personality, is why he is sorely missed around here.

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Absolute Dog... wow. This guy left a huge creator in all of our hearts when he left. He is a very beloved member and former Moderator. Everyone, including myself, holds him in high respect. He did things for the forum that changed and pulled the community close together.


He was a good, VERY good Mod... wouldn't stand for crap.. but would always be willing to talk and listen to you.


He had so many ideas and visions for this forum, some of which are active today (facebook, twitter, youtube) and some that are still in development. When you mention Absolute Dog, a big smile comes to my face. Because he was just that great of a guy.



He does occasionally hop in and say hello... and maybe one day you will get to talk to him. I hope you do. He is now one of two Legendary Members and the only member worthy of the Forum Guardian title.... (IMO)



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AD is the one member who you absolutely must worship but will likely never see. Some say he was Twam incarnate, born to cleanse this forum of its sins. Others say he was just a cool guy. I say he doesn't exist, a but I'm in the minority on that one.


Bow down and pay homage, before the wrath of Twam fall upon you! Alternatively, if you would like to beacome an Atwamtheist and deny the existence of Twam and his incarnate son, AD, please purchase my book, the Twam delusion.

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AD is the one member who you absolutely must worship but will likely never see. Some say he was Twam incarnate, born to cleanse this forum of its sins. Others say he was just a cool guy. I say he doesn't exist, a but I'm in the minority on that one.


Bow down and pay homage, before the wrath of Twam fall upon you! Alternatively, if you would like to beacome an Atwamtheist and deny the existence of Twam and his incarnate son, AD, please purchase my book, the Twam delusion.


I would like this post but that'd be like the fourth in a row so instead I'm going to quote you and tell you I like this post

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I would like this post but that'd be like the fourth in a row so instead I'm going to quote you and tell you I like this post


then why not 'like' his post o.O


oh and AD,,,,


I think A-Dog is a pretty cool guy, eh is a legend and doesnt afraid of anything

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What a ****. Absolute ****-sucker would be the best way to describe such a ******* son of a devil's evil son of bi.....just kidding. I had to do it!


Seriously though, AD was a great friend and a great member. He didn't really do anything special in particular. He was just a very set and focused guy who did what he loved, and he did it well. Life always throws us curve balls and unfortunately he couldn't dodge them for ever. He left a huge gaping whole in this forum, one that likely will never get filled. We all do our part to try to fill in where we can time to time, but you can't really ever replace him. He was one in a million. Some worshiped him, some hated him...and some well just seemed to be his evil or direct clone. either way you slice it AD was loved and will always be missed.

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Dark I was a member that loved this forum completely. I cared about all of the members, new and old, and did my best to keep this forum free of hate and those who where here to be disruptive. I shared my sense of humor and worked hard to keep it fun and interesting here. I still hold this forum close to my heart and soon you and others will know what lies in store for my future here.



Methinks I have an idea what it is... O_O

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Dark I was a member that loved this forum completely. I cared about all of the members, new and old, and did my best to keep this forum free of hate and those who where here to be disruptive. I shared my sense of humor and worked hard to keep it fun and interesting here. I still hold this forum close to my heart and soon you and others will know what lies in store for my future here.

Well then there might me a chance one day that I get to talk to him then! :D

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The way people react to AD really is funny tho...I get that he's good and all that, its just hilarious what happens when he says one thing in the shoutbox. The man is not a god, lets bear that in mind.

You dare question him as deity? I find THAT rather amusing and borderline disrespectful Viva! He is one of the most well respected members to have ever joined 343i.org. Bear that in mind.

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You dare question him as deity? I find THAT rather amusing and borderline disrespectful Viva! He is one of the most well respected members to have ever joined 343i.org. Bear that in mind.


You do know that was Viva saying that lol. He is 'strange' after all lmao


Also, great to see A-Dog post again, havent seen him in a while ^_^

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