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Jesters 1 Year Birthday - My Thoughts

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It's always nice to know some forum history. I do agree that If I ever see an ad for cheap viagra will be too soon. You are a great moderator, a great friend. You are a big brother to the moderators. I look forward to years to come.

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its been an amazing 1 year jester, im so glad i met you and you were part of the forum, im so happy that you have been here and looking after the forum, you are a true inspiration to the forum.



Keep knocking them records and years down :D

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Being fairly new here, I have come to know some of the well known people on this site. And you are definitely one of them, and that only shows good things because it means that you have done great things here and treated people with respect. And seeing that you started as just a member and eventually made it to be a moderator, I must stay you have done well sir. And you are an inspiration to us all.


I am glad to see that you are here after all this time, and that I can look up to you. :)

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Congratulations on your first full year as a member of the website~! :D I'm approaching mine soon as well. Thankee for putting in so much time to help keep the forums a nice, organised place. Also thank you (and every moderator) for putting up with all of my reports! XD I do it because I want to help, and it's really nice that you all actually take the time to look into that sort of thing. Keep on keeping on, stay safe, and here's to another year~!

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First and foremost.....


:clapping: CONGRATULATIONS!!! :clapping:


You have made it an entire year here! You have been here since the beginning Jester and have helped make this place a grand place to be. From your witty posts with the unique insight of the experienced gamer to the "hammer-down" tough mod that this place so desperately needs and everything in between. You have always taken the time to answer questions about the site no matter how mundane or simplistic they were, or moving topics that were wrongly placed out of impulse and not thought through. You have listened as a friend and understood the "lack of better judgement" decisions that I have made. It was at that point that I knew this site was truly different. You have brought personality to 343i.org and continue everday making it an easy decision to return frequently for updates.


Being a fellow member of the staff was truly an honor, not because of the status but because you were a teammate. I haven't been around as much as I would like to be as of late but when I do drop by, I know you're there watching. Protecting this place from being tainted by trolls and spammers and always looking out for fellow members.


I realise what you do here is mostly a thankless job but it deserves recognition for the sacrafices you make to invest your time here. So......




Continue being Jester and God Bless!!


- Choot :thumbsup:


PS - Thanks for the mention.....and who knows.....maybe on some distant forum there is a Choot there, lmao!

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