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Should halo 4 have a 1v1 online ranked gametype?


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No. There was a 1v1 ranked playlist in Halo 3, and it was a fail and removed. It is easily boosted due to 1v1, it was all about hogging up power weapons or hiding / crouching, and the only competition it provided was a test of who can play the cheapest and run away when they get the lead. Also, it was not MLG-style maps but default maps or slightly modded (like every other freakin playlist in existence), which did not help either.


But it wouldn't matter anyways because sadly there are not going to be ANY ranked playlists at all. /tear

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i personally wouldnt play a 1v1 mode if there was one. There wouldn't be a large enough variety of small maps to give a different experience each time you played it. It would also support boosting which is something you want to completely avoid in competitive matchmaking

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Change the 'Leader Traits' waypoint setting so that it's 'Visible to All Players', remove all power weapons except Sniper Rifles and Grenade Launchers, and suddenly all of the problems go away. I'd like to see a 1v1 playlist, it would be a great deal of fun and if someone's pathetic enough to boost, what's the problem? They start getting matched against people who are far too good for them and get completely stuffed as a result!

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I don't think so. People would just take advantage of it. ie.connect a second controller and just keep killing the guest. Unless its no parties... um maybe... I'll be left undecided...

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