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will cortana turn human?


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right betting on : Cortana's Fate :

who reckons


Cortana will go rampant and die 7:3

Cortana will go rampant then kill master chief 6:1

Cortana will go rampant and just be insane 2:1

Cortana will go rampant and escape the forerunner planet leaving john behind 20:1

Cortana will turn human 5:1

Cortana will turn human and marry john 21312321332:1

Cortana will turn rampant and help the covenant 21:1

Cortana will go help the forerunners 20:1

Cortana will turn into the number 7 7:7


Place bets and theories NOWWW haha

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Cortana turning Human would have some rather problematic...er...ramifications about her and MC's relationship.



Heres the plot of the reclaimer trilogy: Cortana turns bad, helps bad guys almost destroy the world, redeems herself by sacrificing herself to end the ancient threat once and for all.

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lebowski good theory and I'm personally believe the number 7 theory even though bungie aren't making the games its just the most logical explanation, but i was speaking with my friends and they think they might come into some forerunner tech that increases the A.I lifespan

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Cortana turning Human would have some rather problematic...er...ramifications about her and MC's relationship.



Heres the plot of the reclaimer trilogy: Cortana turns bad, helps bad guys almost destroy the world, redeems herself by sacrificing herself to end the ancient threat once and for all.

Well that's a pretty good example especially since that'll be a spear to the heart of the Halo fan's
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Honestly, I think that Cortana will either die or find a way to "repair" herself on the alien planet that they are stuck on.


While it is true that most AI's begin to degrade after 7 years, and most end up dying within 9 years, there have been cases of human made AI's throughout Halo Canon living longer than this without showing obvious signs of Rampancy. One example of this would be the "male" AI on Harvest in the book Contact Harvest.


The Forerunners had the technology to make Artificial Intelligence that lasted for millenia before showing signs of Rampancy, so it is more than possible that they can find some of this technology and help repair Cortana.


As far as Cortana turning on Chief goes, I think that is very unlikely to happen. Cortana has a very deep seated need to protect John, and with Rampancy this need will only increase. AI's that are charged with protecting things who go Rampant usually get VERY protective of the things that they were designed to protect. A for instance of this would be 343 Guilty Spark. He was charged with protecting his Halo, and was willing to watch the Galaxy burn to keep his Halo intact. Cortana will most likely follow this course of action as well, doing everything in her power to eliminate any possible threat to John.


There is, in fact, no evidence to even support a theory of Cortana turning on John. The "I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET" part of the trailer actually makes more sense if you think of it as she is talking to the enemy rather than John, who will agree with her mindset in that situation.

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Honestly, I think that Cortana will either die or find a way to "repair" herself on the alien planet that they are stuck on.


While it is true that most AI's begin to degrade after 7 years, and most end up dying within 9 years, there have been cases of human made AI's throughout Halo Canon living longer than this without showing obvious signs of Rampancy. One example of this would be the "male" AI on Harvest in the book Contact Harvest.


The Forerunners had the technology to make Artificial Intelligence that lasted for millenia before showing signs of Rampancy, so it is more than possible that they can find some of this technology and help repair Cortana.


As far as Cortana turning on Chief goes, I think that is very unlikely to happen. Cortana has a very deep seated need to protect John, and with Rampancy this need will only increase. AI's that are charged with protecting things who go Rampant usually get VERY protective of the things that they were designed to protect. A for instance of this would be 343 Guilty Spark. He was charged with protecting his Halo, and was willing to watch the Galaxy burn to keep his Halo intact. Cortana will most likely follow this course of action as well, doing everything in her power to eliminate any possible threat to John.


There is, in fact, no evidence to even support a theory of Cortana turning on John. The "I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET" part of the trailer actually makes more sense if you think of it as she is talking to the enemy rather than John, who will agree with her mindset in that situation.

I agree with you Director she will fight until her last moment but it does pose a serious question if Promeathean's are trying to get off the Forerunner planet how would they you can't just hitch a ride on the UNSC Infinity on the outside you have to sneak inside and even then an AI could pick them up once there inside the ship and alert the entire ship to enemies being on board unless they have there own ship's then that could pose a major problem to the universe
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i KNOW that cortana will go rampant at some point in halo 4, but i think chief will have to destroy cortana because she will endanger the crew of the Infinity. In the trailer, cortana says she wont let them leave the planet and i think the only way for chief escape is by destroying cortana....... its a sad thought though... :(


i liked having someone talking to me inside my helmet in some of those lonely campaign missions


it also may be possible that chief could turn to the forerunners to fix cortana after she goes rampant..... but it seems most likely that the forerunners will have a role as enemies in halo 4

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Honestly, I think that Cortana will either die or find a way to "repair" herself on the alien planet that they are stuck on.


While it is true that most AI's begin to degrade after 7 years, and most end up dying within 9 years, there have been cases of human made AI's throughout Halo Canon living longer than this without showing obvious signs of Rampancy. One example of this would be the "male" AI on Harvest in the book Contact Harvest.


The Forerunners had the technology to make Artificial Intelligence that lasted for millenia before showing signs of Rampancy, so it is more than possible that they can find some of this technology and help repair Cortana.


As far as Cortana turning on Chief goes, I think that is very unlikely to happen. Cortana has a very deep seated need to protect John, and with Rampancy this need will only increase. AI's that are charged with protecting things who go Rampant usually get VERY protective of the things that they were designed to protect. A for instance of this would be 343 Guilty Spark. He was charged with protecting his Halo, and was willing to watch the Galaxy burn to keep his Halo intact. Cortana will most likely follow this course of action as well, doing everything in her power to eliminate any possible threat to John.


There is, in fact, no evidence to even support a theory of Cortana turning on John. The "I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET" part of the trailer actually makes more sense if you think of it as she is talking to the enemy rather than John, who will agree with her mindset in that situation.


This is a very sound theory, I wouldn't be surprised if you hit the nail on the head :thumbsup:

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Honestly, I think that Cortana will either die or find a way to "repair" herself on the alien planet that they are stuck on.


While it is true that most AI's begin to degrade after 7 years, and most end up dying within 9 years, there have been cases of human made AI's throughout Halo Canon living longer than this without showing obvious signs of Rampancy. One example of this would be the "male" AI on Harvest in the book Contact Harvest.


The Forerunners had the technology to make Artificial Intelligence that lasted for millenia before showing signs of Rampancy, so it is more than possible that they can find some of this technology and help repair Cortana.


As far as Cortana turning on Chief goes, I think that is very unlikely to happen. Cortana has a very deep seated need to protect John, and with Rampancy this need will only increase. AI's that are charged with protecting things who go Rampant usually get VERY protective of the things that they were designed to protect. A for instance of this would be 343 Guilty Spark. He was charged with protecting his Halo, and was willing to watch the Galaxy burn to keep his Halo intact. Cortana will most likely follow this course of action as well, doing everything in her power to eliminate any possible threat to John.


There is, in fact, no evidence to even support a theory of Cortana turning on John. The "I WILL NOT LET YOU LEAVE THIS PLANET" part of the trailer actually makes more sense if you think of it as she is talking to the enemy rather than John, who will agree with her mindset in that situation.


Your telling me, Cortana's pure white demonically possessed eyes does not immediately cue you in that she is at the very least rampant, and more likely, an antagonist, at least on a temporary basis. 343 has been harping on this rampancy thing this entire time...I will bet you 10$ over Paypal, Director, that she is going to, by the end of Halo 4, be insane, evil, or both.

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