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Machinimas in Halo 4, a Whole New World!


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Machinimas in Halo 4,there should be a second disc for machinima purposes that you had every resource you needed avilaible, old maps, old stuff, everything you need to make a kick ass machinima even a tool to record a video with your voices implemented and post it on youtube or facebook, from having the ability to control temperature and enviornment, to putting a rock on a floor you need to have every tool availiable to make machinimas, everything you need all the maps, weapons, heck even grapics from the last games! You should have effects here's how it would work.


If you have a Mic you can record your voice and place it on the video even implment other effects and make armies of vehicles, weapons, and Spartans and Elites! Differentiate and Distort Colors to make an epic flashback, modify voices, add lightning, fire, water, and dust. Your budget would be Infinte and there would be no limit on the objects you can put, in videos it scans the enviornment so you can make something you don't want there dissapear without leaving a white bloch, instead it puts the backround of what is there in the game there. You could kind of clone yourself after recording the video. Name your Videos give a description, list credits put screens and stuff up from other pictures you can select from albums of all the UNSC, Covenant, Flood, Insurrectionist, and Forerunner Ships and Soliders.


Disc 1: Main Game

Disc 2: Machinimas

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all well and good to imagine this stuff, but in reality its deffinatly not going to happen.. Imagine the cost, time and resources to implament somthing of that size? youre just going to dissapoint yourself when the game finally comes out at the end of the year if you think it is going to happen.

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No... I see it being Disc One: Single Player and Disc 2: Multiplayer. Multiplayer being Forge, Theater, Matchmaking, Custom Games, Spartan Ops, etc. An entire disc for Machinimas would just be stupid.

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it honestly think this is a Great idea......but think about the costs and time. It would push the release date back and the game would cost more than usual. it would also take up a crapload of storage.But im sure the developers at 343i get to feel all of this power and freedom when they design the maps and campaign missions.

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