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Happy Fourth of July!!!

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On this Fourth of July I want to remind our American members of one simple fact.


Freedom Is Not Free!!!


It has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of American heros across the years. So as you are grilling up some steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn later on this night, Remember the sacrafice that many have made so that you can live in a country where you can vote for your leaders, say what you want, and do what you want.


Happy Fourth of July 343i community!


To any service men in the forums, thank you for your service and sacrafice. Please feel free to comment on this thread telling us about your experiences if you wish so that we all may reflect upon them and give you the proper thanks that you deserve.

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How many wars did we beat you in?




You do realize that without the help of England we would've lost some of the wars right.... hahaha

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