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Community Member of the Week: Austin7934

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Every Monday, we feature a community member who does one or more of the following things: routinely goes above and beyond for their fellow forum members, is a positive and active member of the community, and/or sends me mass amounts of cat pictures. This week our Community Member of the Week is Austin7934. Read a little more about this particular fan below, and read a lot more about this particular fan by visiting his introduction thread!


Community Member of the Week


Gamertag: Austin7934.

Origin of gamertag: Well for starters, if you haven't guessed, my name is Austin. The 7934 has absolutely no significance in my life at all; they were just four random numbers that have stuck with me for years. When I was making my first AIM screen name, I made it "gamepro." However, that was taken (What a shock, right?), and the first option was "gamepro7934." Ever since then, those numbers have followed me. Gamepro is long gone, so just call me Austin. :)

Halo game(s) you are currently playing: Reach, Halo Wars (Working on getting to General in matchmaking. I'm an achievement hunter, what can I say?) and every now and then, for nostalgia sake, I play some Halo 3. By far my favorite Halo game ever.

Favorite map, game type and playlist: Slayer tends to be my favorite game type, and SWAT is probably my favorite playlist. Favorite maps... that's a hard one for me, but pretty much anything from Halo 3 was just gold in my eyes. Just to list a few, High Ground, The Pit, Guardian, Foundry, Sandbox, and Avalanche. There's been way too many good maps in the original Halo trilogy; it's just too hard to decide on one!

Least favorite map, game type and playlist: King of the Hill would probably be one of my least favorites. I'm not too crazy about some of the objective game types, but I do love CTF, of course. Least favorite map could be Countdown or Reflection.

Preferred control scheme: Default (Sorry Frankie, no inversion here!).

Halo playing style (offense, defense, sniper, driver, etc.): Just give me a gun, and I'm on the offense.

Favorite character: Master Chief, obviously. Don't worry, though, Johnson is a strong second.

Favorite book: Cryptum and Fall of Reach. Both are absolutely great.

Favorite Halo quote: "Send me out, with a bang." -Sgt. Johnson

Anything else we should know? I'm waiting for Halo 4. The excitement has come back, and I just can't wait for my next Halo installment. I've never been the biggest fan of side stories, and I have been waiting for the story to continue since 2007. It's time to start a new fight.

Get to know Austin7934 here!

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