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what WE want in halo 4



15 members have voted

  1. 1. alright good idea or bad

    • yes we could finally state all are ideas in one topic
    • this isnt exactly what i expected
    • naaah we already have a forge 3.0 topic to post about this stuff
    • my ideas are not here
  2. 2. duel wielding yes or no

    • yea gives me a great feeling holding two weponds
    • naah, rather have one wepond, two weponds are overpowered
    • maybe
    • what sort of noob is stating this

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This is a list of what i want so far in halo 4, in all playlists.

They will be edited if my opinion doesnt match the majority want.

in order for it to be edited there has to be 3 or more people wanting it.

So here it goes...

Smarter Ai in all gametypes

1.forge 3.0

changable background

forgable nature, like birds

change from night to day what time and how many suns,ect

more forge worlds,some of them in outer space even if halo 4 will have to become a two disk game or even three(firefight,multiplayer, and campaign)

Could change the skins on objects so you wont be stuck with the same old forruner skin

Weather effects

drop pod spawn( covanant, human ( and flood in infection)

forgable ships, like frigates but only one at a time in a map(drivable).

NO budget limmit but a number of stuff you could put,(bigger stuff takes more points)

More placable vehicles

placing dead bodies and blood on walls and on the ground

changing color of everything

copy option

gluing option

seperation option

paste option

placable doors, bridges, sheilds ect that could be activated

and making holes through senery that is already on the map, this is custimizable, from explosive hole to clean cut to infected cave ect

AI spawn

more placable natrure(trees)

2. firefight 3.0

forgable firefight

bigger firefight maps


more complicated firefight with more goals than to survive and protect a generator( infinite lulz:Many different games has a survival modus with AI`s, the best I have tried is the one in Halo, Call of duty and Avp.


The things that makes each of them great is:

That in Halo the enemies doesn't only get more health, they get better weapons and new tactics and movements.

In call of duty you get better weapons as long as you survive, you also have to work together if are to succeed.

In avp you are not able to camp in a certain room or corner because the aliens comes from everywhere, so you have to be on guard all the time.


So what I thought was that on for example ONI swordbases firefight you had to survive one set in the courtyard, after that you where able to move further outside. You could not walk around the entire map yet because the enemy was barricading both passages that you needed to go through to get to the other side of the map. After the next set was finished the door to the barricade control room opened, it could be two generals(or something similar to that) that was guarding. When they were killed you could overload something technical in the barricade so the shields went down or just that the whole barricade exploded.

In that way you could choose where you wanted your map to extend.


After you opened the first gate the UNSC(or whatever that would be helping you) gave you a vehicle similar to the gauss warthog(it included a marine or something if it was single-player).

When you opened a new gate they would give you something similar to the scorpion, since the one of the purposes is that the players should use teamwork: it would appear a type of enemies that was hard to take with the canon, so you needed a passenger in the turret or a supporter on the ground.

The vehicle that appeared after all the gates where opened would be a flying one, this set would be where hell breaks loose with the enemy sending flying vehicles at you, so you had to care about the ground and the air.


Sometimes between the sets the flood appeared in the same way the hellhounds does in call of duty, in hight numbers just raging at you in all different pure forms.

Along with the vehicles you got new power weapon drops after each set was done.


The maps would need to have something for everyone, some camping spots if you wanted to use that tactic, open arias for the vehicles, small arias for those who like close quarters and some places like a hill or a temple if you wanted to have one final stand.


Players where only given one life each, for each round the made. So you had to do your best and think tactical when picking up weapons and other stuff.(Mark: the players had their own amount of extra lives so if one rally sucked and the others where good, the bad one should not take away the good players chance to survive.)


What do you think? )



3. campaign

Not really sure what you guys want yet in this, post your ideas

4. multiplayer

selective theme song during gameplay

duel wielding

More armor custimizations for elites, and brutes if they are playable (from minor to cheiftan or to arbiter)

some armor unlocked by credits while others by achievments

a different ranking system than from reach and halo 3

space battles,and invasion, and infection oh my

more playable species in certain gametypes,(flood in infection) brutes in an advanced invasion, maybe even some forruner or percursors if they are in campaign

more playlists with things like elimination gametypes and survival

vehicles:pelican,phantom,scarab,seraph, sabre, longsword, and ships all drivable in the bigger maps of multiplayer

custom game search

( braverking513:

1. Put all of the campagin things into the online on huge maps. Pelicans, Phantoms, Scrabs, AA Wraths, Ect.

2. Put in armor that needs only achements (make a few hard like Hyabusa in Halo 3). Also have some that need cr and achements or cr and rank.

3. Have each armor piece effect you. EOD protects against explosions, but slows you down. CQB protects against shotguns and improves energy sword deflects. Make the knife an attachment that improves hand to hand (and assassinations). Also, many people want custom armor.( don't know how that would work, but it would be sweet and I'm sure that 343 can do it.)

4. Forgable Firefight maps. Taking custom games to a whole new level.

5. Flood AI gametype. Somthing to make COD shove "Zombies" up its... you get the point. Also make it possable to win, hard but beatable.

6. Ground up forging. You can choose the terrain bulidings/ships (people want online space battles, connected to the ground if possible.) Thes style should be custom as well. (Covanant, Human, Flood, Forerunner and whatever else you guys have in store.)This includes firefight. It would be amazing to havea grunt filled Rupe Goldburg machine.

7.AI integrated online play. For example, take Invasion, add AI's to both sides ( hunters, grunts, brutes, marines, ODST's, everything)aqnd let them be able to pick up objectives (bombs, Data cores, Ect.) and fullfill them like a player would.

8.First person options for vehicles. (I've always wondered what splatered grunt juice looks like on your visor)

9. Weapon inprovements. (supressors, sights that allow for headshots onguns such as the AR, and other thing that you can think of.)

10. Custom Campagin. Let custom maps have theatrics and campain stlye objective the cam be limked so players can make their own story.

11. Larger maps will need larger teams. My friends have sugested 24-32 players. Even more if you decide to link air and land battles.

12. In field weapon and vehicle customization/improvements. Also ground up vehicles in forge would be a god send.

13. 1st Person Presentaion. Halo's stroy is the best I've yet seen. If you keep the actions the Cheif does in first person, this little touch will add a lot of epic effect to it. To bring back Halo you must blow Battlefield 3 out ofthe water. Remember, they have only Earth. You have an ENTIRE galaxy AND the Forerunners! With a different graphics engine and better presentaion of cinimatics you will have spawned a game that truly gives justice to the Halo franchiseand will leavean ipression on the hearts of millions.

14. have destroyable bulidings and ships. That way, if I want to make an assult map that has its target in a buliding, so when the bomb goes it collapses on itself, it can happen. (Make this an OPTION, that way you can have both!)

15. Improve the music!!! Halo 3 and Halo3 ODST's music sent chills down my spine. Reach's not so much, many other others agree. (Are you going to get Martin O'Donall and Salvitorie (forgot his name) to make the music again? I think they're the best pair sence Cheif and Cortona.)

5. theater


more than 4 people in one lobby but only party leader controlls veiw and video

that is it so far state your ideas please, this is what we want, not what i want






i think so and so should be included

Other than that, good luck


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i dont know what happened to the vehicles forum

but i seriously want to use a pelican

and a majority of the other vehicles in the halo universe (i didnt want to retype my whole post but i just wanted to get the idea going on more vehicles we would want to use in halo 4)

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In infection, we play as the Flood.


This, a thousand times over. Also, whoever suggested space battles, I salute you.


I personally would love a mission that is just one epic battle. Think the beach landing of Silent Cartographer combined with the massive opening charge of Tip of the Spear and the entire battle is open to you. Keep the fire team aspect of Reach and just stick us in a massive fight on an island or at a base, give us several objectives, and let us run wild. This is assuming we have an ally, of course. >_>

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space forge

and useable flagships and similar ships

both human and covenant

all vehicles are useable

basically take most of the vehicles from the halo encylopedia and let us use them in forge

and speaking of forge

if we want to put a door down let the door be functional as well

and because im such a vehicle person

a giant hanger to put the vehicles we want inside (and of course functional hanger doors as well)

but im just thinking out side the box(though i still hope you do this though)



o and instead of swat i was thinking of like a hardcore mode so unlimited ammo (limited grenades though) and shields off for online play

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