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Recruiting for Clan de Nocte

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Clan de Nocte

(Clan of the Night)


This post is for ANYONE who wants to join a long term clan.




My name is Ben, I have successfully managed and led a previous clan which grew to 50 members strong. This might be insignificant to some, however I strongly desire this new clan to become a much larger thing.



Anyone is welcome to trial. Our clan will be focused for the time being on Halo: Reach, but we are planning to move over to Halo 4 when it comes out. The plan is to reach as many members as possible leading into the launch of the new Halo.




Clan de Nocte will have a very defined ranking system in which succesful and skilled members will be rewarded higher ranks. Players must climb the ranking system. The names for the ranks has yet to be decided.


The clan will have many different level teams based on skill level of players, higher ranking clan members will be named squad members and given charge of a team of their choice. These teams will then be regularly entered into competitive tournaments or leagues online if wanted.


The best players of Clan de Nocte will be named in the representative team, these members must have excellent skill and precision as they will be the ones representing the clan in clan battles.


Clip of the Week! (Maybe fortnight for the time being) Any clan member is allowed to submit a video to one of the clan officials. These videos will be evaluated and judged, deciding which clip is Clip of the Week. The winner of this will gain rank and their video will be posted to the clans youtube!


Many more to be detailed soon...


Fun Sundays


Until the clan grows larger, we will be holding inter clan tournaments every sunday. Within these tournaments, winner(s) will be rewarded with special gifts such as ranking up or even MICROSOFT POINTS or even both!!!


These Sunday tournaments will include activities such as team events, getting together your mates WITHIN the clan and playing to win in a tournament. Gametypes such as Team Slayer, Team Objective...


Also Lone Wolves or 1v1s which would obviously be variants of slayer.


There will also be the random jump quest for the Sunday in which a map and gametype will be posted a few nights before and messaged to all the members. Whoever posts the quickest time (must be video proof) to complete the map wins.




If you are winning to trial, please contact me or my friend. My gamertag is SuperSheaff and his is CDawgzII. Otherwise send me a message on here.


Trialling will consist of a quick interview to get to know you and then a form of player evaluation based on your skill set.


Invite your mates and gain rank!


If a player brings a friend who successfully makes it as a member then they will be rewarded.


More Details Coming Soon...



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