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Will Halo 4 have the gameplay like Halo:Reach or Halo 3?


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What i want to know is, what do you think? do you think it will be like Halo 3? or be like Halo:Reach? i personally think the gameplay will be like Halo 3, this is mainly because you know, it's a sequel, blah, blah, blah post your thoughts below, do you think it might even be a WHOLE NEW Halo experience? i am glad in the direction 343 is going and hope they keep on making Halo for at least another 10 years, just like their daddy, Bungie ^_^

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i agree with Archangel Tyrael, from those that I have talked to who were at ComicCon, Halo 4 feels like Halo 3 but a bit more fast paced due to sprint and instant spawn. But that it looks cutting edge similar to that of Reach when Reach came out. needless to say, Halo 4 will feel like Halo 4. But ultimately I think it will seem like a mix of Halo 3 and Reach due to the AA's, pace of game, and return to classic elements. I am needless to say excited to play it in 3 months

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I think Halo 4 will honestly be the most unique thing to date, just like every single Halo multiplayer in the past has been unique. Halo: CE to Halo 2 was a DRASTIC change in multiplayer. Then when Halo 3 it was as if Halo 2 just got flipped on it's head. When Reach hit it was definitely different...as we have heard the numerous complaints and failures of Reach for the past 22 months. Halo 4 looks like a whole new beast, and this is a good and bad thing. The thing about Halo is EVERY game is very different from the last, yet still feels like Halo, except for Reach, so you get the love of the game but it still feels fresh in your hands. I do not honestly think Halo 4 will feel like this, Halo 4 honestly looks like a whole new game in itself. Sure some Halo elements are back but it just looks unlike any multiplayer I have really seen to this day. I do not at all think this is a bad thing btw, I think Halo 4 may have what it takes to truly revive Halo and bring back the fans we lost to CoD/GoW when Reach came out (and Halo definitely lost a lot of fans).


TL;DR: No one will know until it comes out as 343i has already changed the game since E3, RXT, and will change it more after ComiCon.

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Hmmmmmm... I think halo 4 will play most like HALO 4! lets be honest this doesn't look like any other halo game to date.

the load outs may make people think reach but they dont affect things that much all of the AA so far are easily counterable and will really just make people be able to play how they want.


I think the speed look similar to H2 but all of the new little things like the customizations will make it play more like a mix of halo 2 and reach causing it to be a great game


lets be honest reach had some good ideas and once halo 4 comes out ill be greatful for reach because it did case a push forward but right now i still feel burned by all of its flaws that bring down the gameplay and how badly it hurt the community


anywhoooo overall its not going to play like a past halo it will be brand new

speed: halo 2

diversity in playstyles: halo reach

weapon feel: halo 3

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Wow, thanks for all the answers, guys, i just wanted to say after looking at all the gameplays, i think it's going to be a whole new playstyle and look, 343 definitley went in the right direction with Halo 4, they made it look more futuristic than Halo 3, (well, because it is after Halo 3) so, GO 343! WOOT

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