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How did you find out about halo 4?


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While we wait anxiously on the on the return of Master Chief share with us how or when you first found out about halo 4 how did you come across the trailer, did a friend tell you about it, where you expecting master chief to return?


For me i was just going on youtube to listen to a few songs just minding my own business the i seen a video saying "halo 4 trailer 2012" so i was like "yeah what ever here we ago another prank video" so i was curious to check it out but when i clicked it i seen the amount of likes and view and i was like hold on a minute could this be true? and it was true Master chief has returned halo 4 is happening, i never thought in a million years this would happen i was gob smacked my jaw hit the ground seriously for me the impossible just came possible, a reality. I thought master chief was never to return, despite what happened in the legendary ending in halo 3 because game and movie companies do that incase they want a sequel but it dosnt always happen. so yeah that was truly a very unexpected surprise for me.

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I honestly was bored one day back in 2011 so I just googled Halo and a video came up that said "E3 Secret Halo 4 Reveal" and when I saw what happened it was crazy. People responded saying it was the real deal, it had tons of likes and sure enough you could just barely see Halo 4 behind a curtain type thing at E3. I was just amazed and shocked and wanted to cry.

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i always lurked on different halo forums, so i heard alot of people talking about the rumors about it. then i was watching E3 in 2011 absorbing all the awesomeness of it, and i saw the halo 4 reveal trailer and i just exploded with excitement. that was truely an epic day :yes

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I was checking out the human-forerunner war on the Halo Nation wiki and saw a picture titled Halo: Combat Evolved: Anniversary. I was like "whut" because it had pink in it. I clicked it expecting a gag. Turned out to be an article advertising Anniversary AND Halo 4. I watched the E3 2011 vid and almost cried from joy.

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