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Will we have a new noob problem?

Victory Element

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No it isn't but it is flawed. *Armor lock, immediately exit to get their shields down, pummel.* See the problem? It is exploited too much. 343 could have patched it to make it so you can't melee out of it, but they didn't. So, we suffer now, to be rewarded later.


it would ok if it didnt have the EMP effect. Then i wouldnt mind much

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To shed some light on this discussion from a Pro tuber/Pro PP <3


When seeing someone charge the PP just walk left or right and it misses...If you jump it is an automatic hit because it follows you. I actually see this being a great asset for people like me. I love PP Combos

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As an avid Halo 2 player, the pp noob combo fails. Even today in H2 the.chances of hitting the opponent with a charged pp.and pulling off the headshot take skill. Its not easy to.do at medium to long distances and even harder to do upclose in heated battle.


Staying on pinpoint target waiting for the charge to.drain the shields is.difficult to.do.while.trying to.avoid.retaliation fire...especially when it is against a br.


If Halo 4 plays anything like the previous titles, then the issue should be minimal.

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As an avid Halo 2 player, the pp noob combo fails. Even today in H2 the.chances of hitting the opponent with a charged pp.and pulling off the headshot take skill. Its not easy to.do at medium to long distances and even harder to do upclose in heated battle.


Staying on pinpoint target waiting for the charge to.drain the shields is.difficult to.do.while.trying to.avoid.retaliation fire...especially when it is against a br.


If Halo 4 plays anything like the previous titles, then the issue should be minimal.


if the noob combo was as hard to pull off as you just said, then it wouldnt be called the noob combo. It has that name for a good reason

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Agreed Victory, it is called Noob Combo for a reason, anyone (noobs) can do it. In regards to the Storm Rifle, I agree with Playa, it appears to be powerful but overheat quickly, also it appears to have a large bullet spread similar to the Human AR. So hopefully it wont be as easy to melee combo with it. I have a feling it will be equal to the AR melee combo

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Noob combo os just a silly term used by people who cant avoid certain weapon sets


Rocket =noob tube

pp\br = noob combo

sniper + camo = noob

Fuel.rod + br = noob


My point is that everyone seems to have a set of primary and secondary that is.conscidered noob. Quit.complaining about things like this that you cant change....instead put that fustration into effectivelt devising ways to.combat it. And no.the noob combo never presented an issue what so ever at mid to long ranges. There is an old.saying.... fool me once shame on you. fool me twice....


Dont keep.going after the people who use a "noob combo" head on.

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I was never able to use the newb combo effectively, and never had it used on me effectively either. The only way someone has managed to kill me with a PP/BR combo was when their teammate finished me off after they broke my shields (and died, mind you).


Also, a few of you are too young to remember this but it wasn't called the noob combo because it was super effective, it was called the noob combo because a lot of people tried to do it and failed like the noobs they were. That's why it's rarely even tried anymore.


As Twinreaper pointed out, it's only effective in close range, and when either you already have the PP charged (which drains the ammo), or when your opponent doesn't see you. If you don't have it charged, by the time you get it charged and switch to the BR, you will already be dead from a BR/DMR 5 shot.


Just like in all of the Halo games so far, the newb combo will see a rise at the beginning weeks/months of Halo 4, then will die down again once people realize just how stupid it is to try this.


I don't mind the PP being a secondary weapon choice because let's face it, if there is any weapon in the entire Halo series that is actually underpowered, it's the Plasma Pistol.

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I was never able to use the newb combo effectively, and never had it used on me effectively either. The only way someone has managed to kill me with a PP/BR combo was when their teammate finished me off after they broke my shields (and died, mind you).


Also, a few of you are too young to remember this but it wasn't called the noob combo because it was super effective, it was called the noob combo because a lot of people tried to do it and failed like the noobs they were. That's why it's rarely even tried anymore.


As Twinreaper pointed out, it's only effective in close range, and when either you already have the PP charged (which drains the ammo), or when your opponent doesn't see you. If you don't have it charged, by the time you get it charged and switch to the BR, you will already be dead from a BR/DMR 5 shot.


Just like in all of the Halo games so far, the newb combo will see a rise at the beginning weeks/months of Halo 4, then will die down again once people realize just how stupid it is to try this.


I don't mind the PP being a secondary weapon choice because let's face it, if there is any weapon in the entire Halo series that is actually underpowered, it's the Plasma Pistol.

not when those grunts come at you on legendary then the pp is the scariest gun on the planet
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I dont believe there will be a severe problem with this, but I do understand the concern. Then again you have to look at this in the best way possible. Even if there are some people who have figured out a way to use the BR/PP combo and make it work for them most of the time, it has been stopped in Halo's before. There are ways to beat it and piss off the people who use it thinking they will pick up easy kills. I wouldnt think too much of it.

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idk...I really hope/think that 343i will adjust the PP to scale and fit right in with the other weapons in the load outs. However, I do still have a bad feeling lingering in the back of my mind that the PP as a secondary in load outs can cause some issues...

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O: No. See, Jetpack was meant for getting a height advantage. I heard that this time, it is less powerful. If 343 took it out, I'd be very sad. Too many people use it to lose it. But, yeah, this time it is more of a boosted jump from what I hear.

Too many people use elites, too bad it's gone.

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Meh I didnt like playing as elites vs spartans...the spartans were so small it was heard to beat them down at times. Also remember in Halo 3 SWAT when people would use elites due to no hit marker on the back of the head? yeah glad that is gone too

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If they were aiming for balance the. They've effectively removed all traces of it with specs and load out customizations.

The available weapons and specializations all counter or balance each other somehow. Balance isn't always making everyone start with BRs. It is: "making it hard to have one of two equally skilled players always win while using different starting weapons." If you catch that without getting lost in that sentence.
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The available weapons and specializations all counter or balance each other somehow. Balance isn't always making everyone start with BRs. It is: "making it hard to have one of two equally skilled players always win while using different starting weapons." If you catch that without getting lost in that sentence.

Starting everyone with the same weapons IS balance, after that it is entirely up to lady luck and personal skill.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That's why I have always loved halo multiplayer, because of the balance..

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Starting everyone with the same weapons IS balance, after that it is entirely up to lady luck and personal skill.

Nothing more, nothing less.

That's why I have always loved halo multiplayer, because of the balance..

I said balance isn't always that. Balance is also making it so two equally skilled players can easily tie with any loadout they choose. Halo 4 evidently does this nicely. Only Halo ce had this balance you refer to. Since everyone had the same model and weapons.
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I said balance isn't always that. Balance is also making it so two equally skilled players can easily tie with any loadout they choose. Halo 4 evidently does this nicely. Only Halo ce had this balance you refer to. Since everyone had the same model and weapons.

What about those who lack skill?

It's going to be like cod, the ONLY way to have fun is to do good..

Or more specifically the higher levels will quite literally kill matchmaking for the lower levels/ ye who has no skill.

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