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hunters and/or brutes?


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Well, as much as I hate Brutes, If the campaign is as long as I think it is, yes, I hope they do. I couldn't stand going hours on end fighting only Halo 1 enemies. As long as Brutes have ditched their Power Armor, I can deal with them. I liked the Halo 2 brutes.

the halo 2 brutes were also my favorite hopefully they and the hunters a make an appearance.
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Hunters are just as much a staple of Halo as Elites, Grunts, and MC himself. They have been in every Halo game and should be in Halo 4. Unlike the rest of you, I do not like brutes, they are just stupid overgrown monkeys (not Saiyans). Also with the giant divide between Elites and Brutes even before the schism, I dont think it would make much sense to have Brutes there on Requiem. Now they may be in Spartan Ops for whatever reason, but who knows.

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I really want to see hunters again. They are awesome. I think we will see drones though. The covenant need them for plasma supply. Personally I don't want to see engineers in gameplay because they are just annoying to find and I feel bad when I kill one. They just make sad noises. :(

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Idk if we will see drones, especially seeing as the new Crawler is seemingly taking the place of Grunts and Drones alike. But it would be cool to see them in the mix. I really want to see the Arbiter again. If the Infinity can stumble upon Requiem than so can Arby lol

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i can assume the

I really want to see hunters again. They are awesome. I think we will see drones though. The covenant need them for plasma supply. Personally I don't want to see engineers in gameplay because they are just annoying to find and I feel bad when I kill one. They just make sad noises. :(


i'm sure we will see hunters, they've been in halo since the start and it would be boring without them. The brutes.......i dont care if they're in or out. i would like to see drones back, but i hope they make more appearances. If have always felt a "lack of drones" and they seem to be an effective covenant unit. And i feel bad for the engineers too...... :hope: .....lets hope they're not back

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If the brutes make a return, i would hope, like adamj004 and ryu said, that they are like they were in halo 2. When they started the berserker "mode" so easily they were so stupid and fun to kill :D thouhgh i dont know why they would be in halo 4... like reach...

I agree with the hunters that they must be in halo 4, but drones... no. :P i dont really have argument why they should stay out I just didnt like them :P

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they are just stupid overgrown monkeys (not Saiyans).

They would be apes as they don't have tails.


And I think hunters would make sense, but brutes not so much. If this is the religious rebels on Sanghelios they have very few brutes with them.


But if brutes are in it I only want them to have some Tartarus like characters.

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Why not add drones skirmishers and engineers (for both sides this time). It'd be I would be very disappointed if any class of covenant was missing form Halo 4 because with reach there was so many different enemy types that things never got old. And I don't think the Prometheans will make up for it especially with only 3 different classes.

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Why not add drones skirmishers and engineers (for both sides this time). It'd be I would be very disappointed if any class of covenant was missing form Halo 4 because with reach there was so many different enemy types that things never got old. And I don't think the Prometheans will make up for it especially with only 3 different classes.

Drones, don't see why not

Skirmishers... I doubt it, it says on the wiki that their numbers were nearly exhausted on Reach.

Engineers, most likely no. In glasslands it says that the Covenant lost all the engineers and it shows them struggling to obtain one of them, which gets stolen by humans. The humans could have them as they get three engineers plus the stolen one. They could then order the engineers to craft even more of them.

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Yeah, i miss the rampaging brutes that threw there weapon down and charged you :) ahhh, good times wouldnt you agree peeps?

No, I hated that. I think brutes should have a majorly different combat style. I'm sure big stupid apes still want to shoot you more than running in with nothing in their hands. Common sense would say so. Though brutes lack that...
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Drones, don't see why not

Skirmishers... I doubt it, it says on the wiki that their numbers were nearly exhausted on Reach.

Engineers, most likely no. In glasslands it says that the Covenant lost all the engineers and it shows them struggling to obtain one of them, which gets stolen by humans. The humans could have them as they get three engineers plus the stolen one. They could then order the engineers to craft even more of them.


It's been a while since reach I think the skirmishers could come back but probably wont they are to similar to the crawlers. As for the engineers there is still thursday war and who knows maybe the covenant find a bunch, that's the only way i think they can get back up to power we see them in Halo 4. It even talks about that in glasslands.

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I'm not talking cannon here for a sec. Is it a halo game with out all of these classic bad guys? 343i can make anything happen to get the certain enemies back through the cannon.


List of the classics:










Once this list is covered start to flirt with new enemy types.

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