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Glourious SEA NUT: Warning from the future!!!

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    • Sea Nut is the alpha contact.
    • Sea Nut is the bravo contract.
    • Sea Nut is the charlie contract.

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So the world might seem like a complicated place when looked at from a broader perspective. But when you get a little closer you'll reakize just how simple it really is. There are three different sections. You have the common man who just want to live their life. You have the conspirators, clouded by exsessive milk of the brain. And then you have Glorious Sea Nut.


This forum needs a Sea Nut to guard it self from the conspiracy of the milk. Vote for who you think should be our Sea Nut. The Sea Nut that this forum deserves, but not the one that it needs right now. LONG LIVE SEA NUT!!!



Leader of the Dragon Omega (against the Conspiracy)



Boy Brony = Sky Bananna (defender of the realm)

Guardian Angel of Death = Grim Reaper (Smashes stuff)

The High Council Armada = Allies who help in this noble cause.

Sea Nut = ????? (Mystery)

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I still have no idea WTH a Sea Nut


Quick the Conspiracy has pin-pointed this thread as the site of the milkbone construct. You must delve to the center of the archipalego generating room and take the secret artifact to a safe location. Sea Nut will meet with you there. The future is dependent on you defeating the milk.



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Ohhh.... it's peanut butter


No it is a brand named after Sea Nut to show respect for his fabulous deeds. In 2067 Sea Nut is all that is standing between the complete flooding of the worlds corn fields with milk by the conspiracy. This peanut butter company is simply honoring Sea Nut's name.


Consider this a warning. The future is a very dangerous place full of evil monsters in all corners of the world.

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