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I will really leave this time


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After geting in a fight over and over again I'am sick and tired of this stuff that happens to me

I just want everyone to know that all I wanted was to be in the news group and let everyone know about donuts video

I don't know how long I will be gone maybe a month who cares really

Good bye fellow friends and have a good one and get all mad at me for no reason well what ever

good bye guys


​I will just probably watch and look over users

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Why are you leaving? because you can't be in the news group, we have a set news group which is full for now, if a spot opens im sure you will be considered, but you are being rather immature about it.



if there is a spot open in the news group and free sethman isn't here can you consider giving me a place

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Are you seriously doing this because you can't be staff? I'm sorry buddy, but it ain't as easy as "Hey can I be in the news group, I found a couple of things on minecraft." It doesn't work that way. You need to have extreme dedication, and to finding news on any game possible. And then complaining that you can't have a staff position? Sorry to say, but you are far from deserving as of now.

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Well, you are banned now, but hopefully you can still read this.


Staff positions are not handed out just because you want them. If there is a position, and you are worthy of it, you will be asked if you would like it. There is no other way to become a moderator/staff. The stories you hear about members getting staff jobs a month or so after joining are simply because for that month they completely excelled in their given jobs, and an opening was available. Most of the staff have actually been members for quite some time, and most of the moderators even longer.


I don't mean to be offensive here, but do you HONESTLY believe you deserve a job as a staff member? When there are so many members more experienced and qualified than you? You've been online for a cumulative total of THREE DAYS, and you have posted a couple of news stories here and there that were basically copy pasted links, and you think you are more qualified to be in the News Group than members who have been on this site for over a year now, and have written many articles on happenings around the globe, as well as helpful tips, answering questions, and doing their utmost to make everyone else's lives on the forum just a bit easier ever since the first minutes they joined?


Honestly, I've spoken to you, and I think you are a pretty fun guy most of the time. I don't know what the hell has come over you now though. I can literally name at least 10 members more qualified for a staff position than you. Off the top of my head. If staff/mod positions were given out just because people begged for them then nearly the entire forum would be staff/mod.

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I know this may be harsh/jerkish, But it is only a position you obtain through dedication, hard work, and have been here a long time and the staff know you as a great guy I know I wouldn't make it as staff if I were a kid who doesn't know anything about the duty you're to do, But it's life grow up do you think I would hold this for a while no I wouldn't cause I know I'll get rid of the issue and move on.


(I may have sounded like an :censored: hole.)

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