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Can the Forerunner grenade really be an EMP?

Stealth Pilot

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it is. Stealth Pilot just used the wrong name, but we get the general idea


Oh. I think it would be better as a Light grenade, or dis-integrator or some thin, cause I mean... why EMP the Flood?

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As Victory said, there are no Flood in Halo 4, Frankie and 343i confirmed this. So an EMP grenade would make sense as weapon that the Prometheans would be using, and have used to fight the Humans in the past. Seemingly it will act like a PP blast on a larger scale, or more directly, the energy drain from Halo 3 from what I can tell.

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no flood in halo 4 :sweat:

What P-1609 meant, I assume, is why would Prometheans have an EMP Grenade in the first place if all their other weapons were used to combat the flood. If you recall, all known Promethean weapons have a disintegration effect to stop the flood from spreading. I assume he just thought it was odd that a force using heavy anti-flood weaponry would use an EMP Grenade. But I guess Tallgeese answers that question! ^_^

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As Victory said, there are no Flood in Halo 4, Frankie and 343i confirmed this. So an EMP grenade would make sense as weapon that the Prometheans would be using, and have used to fight the Humans in the past. Seemingly it will act like a PP blast on a larger scale, or more directly, the energy drain from Halo 3 from what I can tell.

Human-Forerunner war was before Forerunner-Flood war. Forerunner inherited (or stole) the mantle. So they wouldn't use weapons anymore, and since they didn't know anything about the Flood, they threw them away. New -Hard Light- Weapons were made fore incinerating and completely destroying the Flood host, so there would be no more infection. Forerunner ditched their previous weapons and developed newer light-based ones. So that's why an EMP nade seems so... wrong for me.


What P-1609 meant, I assume, is why would Prometheans have an EMP Grenade in the first place if all their other weapons were used to combat the flood. If you recall, all known Promethean weapons have a disintegration effect to stop the flood from spreading. I assume he just thought it was odd that a force using heavy anti-flood weaponry would use an EMP Grenade. But I guess Tallgeese answers that question! ^_^

U really got me there bro.

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