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Okay, so it's really simple. I'm going to start filming a online shows, and I need extras for any additional characters. So this is the run down.


I'm going to film probably around 3 shows a month, IF i'm lucky. These are the shows: G.Y. (Government Yard), a comedy where a bunch of Spartans are being used as test subjects. Location Location Location, same characters in this show, but this show is about advertising for awesome maps made by the community that wouldn't be normally featured (Basically forgehub except we don't feature the same 5 people a million times, we take maps from EVERYONE, including you, and we put it in a show and include humor.). And the last is Helljumpers, an action show about a group of ODSTs who run missions that the government would normally send in Spartans for, and they get the job done. Their team also includes one Spartan who doesn't talk.


These are what I need done in each show:

G.Y.: We're pretty much covered for this one for now. If I ever need any help on it, I'll let you guys know.

LLL: We need extras in every episode of this one. What we're going to do is film on these maps with the gametypes their best for, and give a tour. The entire time, three of the characters are giving an actual tour through all the carnage. Basically the extras job is to try out new maps they probably haven't seen before, don't kill the people we specify, and otherwise, have fun.

Helljumpers: The extras job in this one is to do as asked before I start the game. You will probably be assigned to play as an elite, in which case, your supposed to attack the Spartans without killing them (if possible). This one will require the most work and determination, but I have confidence you can do it.


Our recording schedules will be posted here for each show. For now we're working mostly on Helljumpers, but once we get enough extras (you) we'll also be doing an episode of LLL. These are our schedules:


G.Y. - ?

LLL - Saturday: 2-4 p.m. PST, 3-5p.m. MST, 4-6p.m. CST, and 5-7p.m. EST (I don't know anywhere out of US and Canada, sorry.)

Helljumpers - Saturday: 12-2p.m. PST, 1-3p.m. MST, 2-4p.m. CST, and 3-5p.m. EST


My goal is to have all the episodes of each show done BEFORE I post any to youtube. So the first episode will hopefully be online in a few months. I'll let you know an exact date later, but for now we're shooting for somewhere in November.


Our schedule should remain the same each week, but if it changes, I'll let you know. If you want to volunteer, say so and if you get an invite to a game from clawthegame on Saturday, congrats, you got into a web show. It's like winning a prize!


Post your gamertag, what you want to help with, and/or any questions you may have below! Have fun!


By the way, while mics are not required, they do help. If you don't have one, atleast make sure you aren't muted during gameplay.

Zed the Evil Taco. Tacos for everyone.


One last edit to this post (for now), we will be having rehearsals for Helljumpers every Wednesday at 5:30 PST (you can figure out the rest from there.) You are not required to show up for this, but it can help.


Also, getting some people talking about maps for LLl. Refer to here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?/topic/1372-maps-for-online-shows/


I am now adding an age limit to being an extra. Any volunteers by the specified post are exempt. You must be at least 17 years of age to volunteer.


Also, I should add this as well. Each week will be a contest. The best extra from that week has the chance to guest star on LLL with their own unique character. You will not be required to come up with your own character, we will do that for you. These are what determines best Extra: Listens to orders best, executes orders best, and who has the best input about the show. That one is open for debate, and may be taken out. In order to participate in this contest, you must have a microphone, and be will to do the lines assigned to you. Don't worry, they are not going to be bad. Also, popular characters may be featured on G.Y. as the same character.

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We all ready? We're starting rehearsals in 4 and a half hours. Here's the rundown of tonight:


I need 1 zealot, salmon armor. Shamazing t4co has volunteered for that. The rest of the volunteers have to switch their preferred race to Elite, and make sure their armor is not equal to or higher than a zealot. They can have whatever armor color they want. Elites (meaning volunteers) have to get in a banshee and fly it from the colliseum to the canyon. After they land in the canyon, they must turn around and face the building not attached to the canyon wall. After at exactly 3 elites have been assassinated, begin attacking the spartans. Try to avoid killing them, but make it seem real. Remember, the spartans have no shielding as well. If you accidentally kill them, don't worry, I have respawn points set up for just such an occasion. Also, volunteers, do not attack other volunteers. And I may ask for other special jobs from some volunteers during the rehearsals, so keep that in mind. That is all.


Also, I will rundown what the rundown is just before we begin.

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rehearsals were... less than perfect... We started five minutes late, the people didn't care what i had to say unless I put them in line, and the fact the servers were switching was poor timing. However...


We did have fun though, and once the server transfer was complete, and the people that the volunteers invited to join us to help with the rehearsals had left, the rehearsals went off without a single hiccup.


However, we do need more people than just Shamazing and Bidgis to show up. So next week, same time, we are doing rehearsals again. If you have an interest in helping us, please join us at the specified time.


Also, after we were done, we had a good time in custom games, playing some gametypes. Join us next time (and help so I don't boot you) and you can join in on the fun!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so some of the volunteers may have noticed that I am no longer in their friends list on XBL. That is because I set up schedules that almost nobody followed. If I am still in your friends list, that means that you were either helpful during recording/rehearsals, or you stopped being an Extra, but I still see reason to keep you in the friends list. Any of you who were extras and no longer are, you may try out for the part again, but ALL the extras must show up when I ask them to, or they aren't extras. You get three chances. After that, your done. Three strikes, your out.


You may think I'm just being mean, but in truth, I asked for help, was told I'd get it, then made the first episode by myself...

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