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Halo 4 Infection Playlist


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First off will it exist? If it does, I really hope we don't have the same bland game types and bland Infection maps where things are "destroyed" or in decay. The community spawns legendary Infection maps that are fun and balanced. Use them! Please put those in instead of everyone running around with only X amount of ammo in a map forged in 30 minutes with bland Infection game types. At launch, these maps can do their job, but there should be a slow transition into community only maps. The Infection playlist is great, but it can be much much greater. Hell you could even have 2 Infection playlists, one standard, one community. Thoughts?

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I think that there should be more specific maps made to just have infection. Not maps like Uncaged with the infection gametype running.


Maybe even have some of the crazier and more extreme maps and variants. I think people who aren't big on custom game Infection would find these an eye opener and very entertaining.

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they should not have unlimited ammo because those who is good (included me ) can then camp unlimited time


Not unlimited but a lot more, because I know I was sitting on 30 something kills, out of ammo in both weapons, and got 2 pummels before dying, because that was my last option lol.

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They need more gametypes. Let us play the fun, superfast, superjumping zombie games.


Yes those are always fun. I think I'm gonna be alone on this one but I'd love to see some Omega Journey style maps. The ones where you have to bash stuff out of the way to escape from the spawning zombies behind you.

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Yes those are always fun. I think I'm gonna be alone on this one but I'd love to see some Omega Journey style maps. The ones where you have to bash stuff out of the way to escape from the spawning zombies behind you.

You are not alone. I think they need to make an Indiana Jones playlist as well, but that's another subject.
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You are not alone. I think they need to make an Indiana Jones playlist as well, but that's another subject.


Haha Indiana Jones :laughing: Seeing as Halo 4 is shipping with 19 maps if you buy LE, I'd like to see some good non-Forge World maps as well.

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i'm sure theres going to be plenty of good maps. And i also like how community forge maps will not be in the mutliplayer


Yeah I just hope they make it into match making soon. When you get down to it, the community can usually make better maps than 343i/Bungie on Forge World. :thumbsup: They said they won't be in matchmaking initially, but they will slowly be injected in.

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Well I hope that they make the "infected" look like they are actually infected by the flood.


Haha Indiana Jones :laughing: Seeing as Halo 4 is shipping with 19 maps if you buy LE, I'd like to see some good non-Forge World maps as well.


Go check your info. LE gets the first 3 map packs free, when they are ready.

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