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What needs to be done in halo

Jim Bob Cleutus

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Those two features are going to be in the game. There's no turning back now at this point, they're polishing up what they're done and fixing any issues that crop up. We don't know how the join-in-progress system is going to work. For all we know it could work just like COD's which seems to just slip you into a random game. It could also take into account your rank, kd, wins and losses, and other stats to find a game to put you in. The instant respawn may sound like a problem on paper, but again we don't know how it's going to work out.


We'll have to wait and see how these two things function in the final game. Just because they're in the game doesn't mean that the matches won't take skill to win, nor does it necessarily mean that they will take more or less skill. On a side note, here's an example of what I think is fair:


Red Team vs Blue Team start a match with four players on each team. Two members on Red Team leave the game immediately after it starts and the remaining players continue playing. One player on Red Team can't seem to get many kills, they get frustrated, and they leave. Now it is only 1 Red Team member vs 4 Blue Team members. That's not very fair at all. With the join-in-progress feature, if it added three more people to Red Team based on the ranks and other stats of the current member of Red Team and the members of Blue Team, found players with similar stats and placed them into Red Team, I think that is a lot more fair than the system we have now.

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Those two features are going to be in the game. There's no turning back now at this point, they're polishing up what they're done and fixing any issues that crop up. We don't know how the join-in-progress system is going to work. For all we know it could work just like COD's which seems to just slip you into a random game. It could also take into account your rank, kd, wins and losses, and other stats to find a game to put you in. The instant respawn may sound like a problem on paper, but again we don't know how it's going to work out.


We'll have to wait and see how these two things function in the final game. Just because they're in the game doesn't mean that the matches won't take skill to win, nor does it necessarily mean that they will take more or less skill. On a side note, here's an example of what I think is fair:


We do know that join in progress works, because in Halo CE and Halo 2 PC, you join in progress and it works perfectly fine, no problem with it whatsoever. And I agree with you post below.

Red Team vs Blue Team start a match with four players on each team. Two members on Red Team leave the game and the remaining players continue playing. One player on Red Team can't seem to get many kills, they get frustrated, and they leave. Now it is only 1 Red Team member vs 4 Blue Team members. That's not very fair at all. With the join-in-progress feature, if it added three more people to Red Team based on what the ranks and other stats the current member of Red Team and the members of Blue Team, found players with similar stats and placed them into Red Team, I think that is a lot more fair than the system we have now.

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I mean take cod (call of duty ) no skill at all involved most of the kills are unfair an gun can kill in 1 to 2 seconds easy no time to respond if u get killed from behind no way to defend plus ac130 and claymores but there's weapons if u pick a smg and get caught in a long range area u get sniped but u waist a clip on the guy but miss cuz it's long range and u don't have kick u have u have focus for cqc u lose but the other guy didnt need skill plus there's weapons with leveling with prestiging ur lvl 1 other guy is lvl 79 u have a really low chance and the other guy has high only because u were actually better and prestiged first and get killed for it everything I said is an unfair no skill involved way of winning and halo counter acts all of it u get shot from behind u culd turn around and get easy headshot and survive or grenande and radar for less assassinations and cloaks let u be aware to turn every one gets weapons of equal power I like ordances in random drops making it more fair skill wise and leveling only is for showboating doesnt affect gameplay that's why there's isn't a gurranteed way of being a pro u can be best player at cod at get a negative kd and lose what it's true think if ur mlg halo u can't lose easily I mean dmr br assault rifle battles last a while to where it comes down to do u have enough skill to get all headshots without missin or body shots think u can turn and Mele the dude back if u get shot from behind u can mele it's a fair game cod u knife camper comes u turn corner he knifed u in face halo he smacks u in face u jump over him assassinate fall back and shoot armor lock halo takes more skill if u can prove cod takes more skill prove it if not say I agree I wanna see how many true halo fans are there because on every rtx comic con and e3 gameplay of halo 4 there are so many comments calling halo noob and suckish now LETS RALLY AND PROVE THOSE PEOPLE WRONG THAT HALO IS THE BEST THE FIRST THE ONE AND ONLY COD CAN THEN TURN AROUND TRY TO PLAY THERE OWN GAME AND SPEND 15 MINUTES TRYING TO JUMP IN ON A GAME THAT ISN'T ALLREADY SHOWING THE FINAL KILL CAM AND REALLY READ EVERYTHING IT IS GOOD TOPIS GUYS




Read above me


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