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Chapter 2: Attack of the trolls. 343i Great World War


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I awake gasping for air..My head is pounding.. everything is coming into vision. My vision is blurry but i can see now that I am in a Jail cell. "Dangit..I knew these trolls would get me" I placed my hands on my head. My head is still pounding. What are they doing to me? I am sweating at the thought of being tortured..What if they make fun of my mom..like a traditional troll? Or..even call me a scrub? How can I handle this torture? A guard approaches me.."You silly scrub you are stuck there til our master does away with you" I smile in confidence as I see a figure appear behind him "Come closer" I tell him smirking"...He walks to me and smiles.."You dumb scrub TheHaloCouncil is supreme law, We are massive and we will get bigger then anyone what are you going to do about it?" I chuckled and said.."I won't do anything...but she will" He turns pale and turns around and his eyes widen. Blood splatters on the wall as a woman stands in front of him. He falls to the ground lifeless as she walks towards me. I am a bit intimidated. She is blonde slim and is wearing a green vest with armor plating and plate legging made for agile combat she is carrying to small daggers and and has a hood. No other word can describe it besides pure awesomeness! She looked at me and said sarcastically. "This will be the last time I get you out of a mess like this.." I smiled.."Well Ms.Mystic when the world is rid of trolls I won't be stuck in situations like this" I stand up but the pain from the chest wound is still there.


Suddenly a voice appears in my head..It's Absolute Dog relaying a telepathic message. "Skys I cannot afford to send my best to get you. I am sure she already told you that this will be the last time..You are in the heart of there base and I am going to teleport support. I have not heard from Spectral or any of the others please make haste and rally up with them soon..*He now sighs* For now I will give you these as supports. * A blue sphere erupts in front of me as people come walking out of it. It is a tall man..A bit heavy in the stomach but muscular all over. He has a a black as night hood on with a grey armor plate all over his body..He carried a axe the size of a full grown troll..His name is Zaguroth. I just nodded at him and he saluted Ms.Mystic in respect. Another person appeared and we all knew who he was but he wasn't really a guy you can call friend. He is a mercenary with skill like no other but is only in it for the money and girls. His name is Victory Element. Mercenary armor plating. It is all white and filled with spikes around his chest and he carrys a great sword. And then another appears this seems to be the last one since the portal is closing behind him walking through. My eyes widen..Is this a joke? A bear walks through..It is walking upright with armor all around it. It is carrying a huge salmon on its back like a club. It snarls at us but on its chest the words say Yoshi1176. I nod at it and it salutes Ms.Mystic.


Ms.Mystic stands in front of us and then sheathes her daggers and pulls out an orb. "I am leaving now I shouldn't have to come back and help you guys..We need to get this base under our control and the plan of attack is simple...Clean and Clear all areas of this base and kill or recruit anything that stands in your way...*She lifts the orb in the air* Bye guys don't make me come back here" *She turns the corner and we hear a man scream in agony* "What is that?" I said..She then drags a guy towards us.."This should be the last scout so the element of surprise is with you guys" *She throws the orb on the ground and teleports with the corpse..* "Well that was badass.." I said in my head.


"Okay lets take this base and claim another for 343i's sake!" We begin walking down a corridor that is painted red...On the wall there is an inscription saying "These walls painted with the blood of our enemy..343i." I am filled with some rage as we remember the fallen. Yoshi snarls at the wall and the rest continue walking. We soon hear chatter up ahead.."Hows the prisoner downstairs? Want to rough him up a bit? I haven't trolled anyone in a bit and I need to get it out of my system already" The men begin laughing like pigs maniacally. Yoshi runs in without any plan and pulls his huge salmon off his back..We run behind him shocked and not ready for attack. Yoshi throws his club at one guy killing him instantly and jumping on the other scratching and clawing at his face..Another two guards run to stop him but Victory Element grabs two throwing knives and throws them right in the head and they fall lifeless on the ground. Zaguroth is standing still just watching. Three men walk in as we are finishing up the first group and they yell saying "Call for reinform....." They stop talking as all three stand with blood dripping from there mouths..Zaguroth is behind them smirking as his axe is impaled all three of them simutaneously. All enemies fall dead and we all nod at eachother in silence. "Yoshi..lets not make that a habit.." He growls and walks behind me. "Skys where is spectral?" Zaguroth said to me in a deep voice. "I don't know..I went unconscious before i could see where the team left too.." He acknowledges and we push on down another corridor with doors on each side.


We walk slowly as we can hear what seems to be hundreds on trolls in this corridor..I began whispering "We might be in there living quarters now.." As i said that..A door opens and the troll at the door walks out and stops in fear with food in his mouth..We all have blood on ourselves so we are already noticed as enemies..The man drops the food out of his mouth. Just as he is about to say one word a dagger flys near my face and the dagger gets placed in between his eyes. "Uh oh.." I said as I knew exactly where this was going. His body now falls to the ground and the noise is heard throughout the whole corridor. I hear weapons being grabbed silently and my team all unsheathes their weapons.."Attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said a troll coming out the door..The corridor is filled with what seems like hundreds of trolls coming out of doors attacking us in each direction. Zaguroth jumps in the air and swings his axe killing 6 instantly with one swing. Yoshi charges three guys pushing about 20 trolls in one direction with his momentum. Victory grabs about ten small daggers and begins throwing them in each direction killing trolls left and right. I have no weapon so I am punching men and grabbing there weapons and I happen to grab a small scythe and begin slashing away at countless men. Zaguroth gets jumped on by five trolls and becomes overwhelmed and falls to one knee..Yoshi is wounded now as a few trolls start shooting arrows at him. Victory is fighting his way through now using his great sword as a defense against enemy attacks.


We need to get out of here..We are going to lose. I run towards Zaguroth slicing through trolls sliding under two guys and slicing there legs. I help Zaguroth up and he grabs me and says "Stand behind me" I get in a defensive stance behind him and he lets out a roar. "GET BACK!" He says loud as his axe extends and becomes the size of small tree and begins swinging furiously in front of him killing off trolls. But his effort comes to an end as what it looks fifty men run at him at once and jump on him. He is surrounded. I am fighting seven guys off that are trying to get me down. Yoshi looks weak and is losing momentum..All hope is lost. Victory looks at me and nods. "We may die today but we fight for 343i!!" I said as i now begin slicing faster trying to reach Victory for a last attempt at stopping this barrage of attacks. I reach Victory and we are now standing with a circle of trolls all around us. I close my eyes and say "Enough..is Enough!" My eyes turn bright yellow and Victory looks at me astonished. My hands begin to glow and I aim my hands at the trolls. Some look scared but still press on. I let the glow increase and then whisper.."Begone.." A light energy forms and wind blasts the trolls in every direction..Bodies flying everywhere. Wind is pushing everyone back and they die instantly from the impact. The walls are painted with troll blood and the trolls on Zaguroth are forced off and pushed against the wall. Zaguroth lets his axe flow with the wind and it smashes against twenty trolls kill all of them placed against the wall. The force of wind stops and I fall to one knee..Victory grabs me. Yoshi runs to Zaguroth and offers to let him ride his back. Zaguroth limps towards us with Yoshi.



"We did it.." I said smirking. My breathing is heavy as I feel my stamina reached its limit.."What was that?" "Are you a Jedi?" One troll said as he was on the ground in astonishment.."I am Skys and I am the wind" I smiled as the pure cheesy phrase echoed in my head. Is that it? I said in my head. We all start limping for what looks like an exit..The light is shining at our faces. We walk out and we all are blinded by the dessert sun..I smile. "This is how we die?" Yoshi snarls and growls. Zaguroth grabs his axe..still in pain. Victory says " This isn't worth the money..I need to get paid more"


Surrounded by thousands or trolls. The odds are against us. We will not survive and this is inevitable..."Well guys its been short but brief. Ms.Mystic isn't here and the back up won't happen now"..A troll walks in front of the other trolls and says "Give up and join us or die here now..You have til the count of three to drop the weapons and give in or one of my men will kill you off with just a few arrows" We all stand our ground ready to die. Another troll with a bow and arrow walks to the front of the thousand of other trolls and raises his bow aiming at me. "Okay guys if I die and you manage to make it alive..tell Spectral Jester..He is still a badass." The arrow flys toward me and I ready for the impact..I close my eyes as Yoshi stands upright and the others brace for there arrows. When suddenly a flash of orange passes my face..and something appears in front of me catching the arrow with its hand..I stare in astonishement. It is Spectral Jester. I tear up as joy overwhelms my body. He is accompanied by two others. Mr.Payne and Tsickssense. "So you still think I'm a badass huh Skys?..Well let me show you why I am a badass" He jumps towards the trolls and slashes the air...He missed? But then suddenly ten trolls fall lifeless to the ground...His sword swing is so powerful the wind kills the enemy..Will Spectral be enough with for these thousands of trolls?... We are all wounded. Mr.Payne looks at us and smiles.."Try not to hold us back" We all stand ready to fight.






So guys I only had like 17 minutes to write this and it sort of just flows with my imagination. One day while I am at home I'll be able to sit down and really create an awesome chapter. For now this is samples and I am testing out how I can really make this funny/actiony/epic


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Well there is no main villian and I don't hate any other community forum. It is all just fun for the purpose of a story and how our community perseveres a challenge with out millions of us. We survive off of friendship teamwork and a will to protect 343i.org Any website can be the next enemy against us.

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