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Specializations and Armor Mods


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Ok, after i've read this, my brain is full of ...informations.

Can someone else read it and explain me what all of that should mean?

What are Specializations?

What are Armor Mods?

There are many armor mods for each Specialization, or viceversa?

How can i apply these mods to my armour?

Are specializations unlockable or what?


Please, someone explain me that.

P.S. if there is already a topic about that, i'm sorry, i'm sure some Mod will fix it.

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They're basically things that come with the LE game (8 If Buy LE) / have to unlock (2 + Unlocks if Buy Normal Edition), and they give you advantages in game, IE: Pioneer lets you level up quicker etc etc, They're just ways of giving a player an advantage for playtime.

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They're basically things that come with the LE game (8 If Buy LE) / have to unlock (2 + Unlocks if Buy Normal Edition), and they give you advantages in game, IE: Pioneer lets you level up quicker etc etc, They're just ways of giving a player an advantage for playtime.


Yes ( with Jeremy Clarkson voice), but how do i apply that to my Spartan Armour?

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