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im still worried how halo 4 will turn out


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I share your concern... but isn't it a little insane to say that you're worried about playing with a crowd that just wants to have fun playing the game. (your 1st reply to Director)


Anyway Reach shouldn't factor into this equation. Based on what you have seen about Halo 4 so far you have to make a choice about whether you want to buy it or not.

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I dont play for fun. I play to win and i dont see how people can have fun by losing



Well i feel the same way about casual gamers they ruin the game by playing for fun how can you have fun when your getting raped by the other team? I treat games with every other thing in life i natually will try and win at truly everything cause otherwise whats the point

It's not about winning, it's about having fun. It's not fun losing but it tells you that you can do better the next game. You not always going to win a game. If you lose, put it behind you and move on.
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The word fun is used way to much. I have fun when im succeeding at something


So then let me ask you this, since you never answered my previous comment. If you have fun when succeeding, does that meen you don't when you're losing? The point is, you should always be having fun, win or lose. Winning should only enhance that fun, not be the only way you have it.

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So then let me ask you this, since you never answered my previous comment. If you have fun when succeeding, does that meen you don't when you're losing? The point is, you should always be having fun, win or lose. Winning should only enhance that fun, not be the only way you have it.


That makes no sense have fun while im losing are kidding? In any situation gaming or in rl winning is the only thing that matters.

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That makes no sense have fun while im losing are kidding? In any situation gaming or in rl winning is the only thing that matters.


Than life must be rather rough...you will not win at everything, life isnt fair. Games are meant to be played for the fun of the game, losing will occur just as winning will also occur. But if you dont have fun even when you lose than that will make the experience as whole sour.

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That makes no sense have fun while im losing are kidding? In any situation gaming or in rl winning is the only thing that matters.


Tallgeese has the right of it. I actually feel sorry for you, if winning is the only way you can have fun. There is more to life than winning, trust me. One day you'll realize this, and hopefully it won't be too late for you.

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Tallgeese has the right of it. I actually feel sorry for you, if winning is the only way you can have fun. There is more to life than winning, trust me. One day you'll realize this, and hopefully it won't be too late for you.


I like the way i think about things, if i lose something i will find out how to not make it happen again.

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Exactly...if you lose, which is going to happen, just figure out what you did wrong, and try and change that or get friends to help out. I generally like to win as well...but if I have that wild hair to just mess around I will, but with my friends, not at the expense of other players I do not know.

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I like the way i think about things, if i lose something i will find out how to not make it happen again.


And that's a great attitude to have! Don't get me wrong, you should always strive to improve and a loss is the best thing to help you do that. I don't disagree with you that winning is fun, so don't take it that way. But it shouldn't be the only time you're having fun. Win or lose, you should still have fun playing the game, regardless, as that is the whole purpose of a game in the first place. Like I said previously, winning should enhance the fun you're having, but shouldn't be the sole determining factor in what "fun" is.

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So unless you con your parents into giving you what you want from a gift shop during your nice Bahama vacation, you aren't having fun while your there with them? That's the exact mentality and outlook you are giving off. I can tell from how your are describing yourself and what matters, that you are still far to young in your life experiences. Winning and losing isn't the only thing that matters. There are plenty of things to do in life, that don't require this, and yet they are still..."fun".


With time and experiences comes the pain of enduring things you may or may not like, but also these experiences can be fun and reflected upon to be considered fun.

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