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You can now pass the oddball

Maximum Clutch

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It looks like a pass to me rather than being dropped. If you can pass the oddball in Halo 4, it would be a good thing to keep your team in the lead but i can see people throwing the oddball to you when your killing someone and they mess you up and die and lose the ball. That's the pro and con side of that. I honestly hope you can pass it though.

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i'm sure griffball will stay the same. I think 343i is just trying to make more differences between CTF modes, assualt modes, and oddball modes. They are all too similar when a person is carrying the objective, so differences will help define each gametype more. Like the magnum while flag carrying in CTF


we havent seen any gameplay with bombs yet


I hope that the bomb doesnt change sizes like it did in reach when ever you set it down and picked it up. It is like twice as small when you are holding it!

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