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Community Shout Outs Volume 7


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Hey guys, sorry this is a little bit late, but my internet connection has been really sucky :/

Ah well, todays Shout Out will feature a good friend of mine, who always makes me laugh :D


She lives in the land of potatoes, lol XD, and is always up for a good talk :D


Thats right, it's Cheasemonster, or CHEEEEESE XD


So as i have already said, Cheeese is a good friend of mine who is always up for a good talk AND a laugh, which she does very well XD


I have known her for probably 3/4 of the time i have been here, and those 3/4 have been the best 3/4 i have spent here lol XD

She knows how to make me, and many other people laugh which is an EXCELLENT trait to have in our great community, trust me, i know cause im not funny and i suffer the consequences of awkward silences, :P


Cheeese and i have had many good chats in the last 2 weeks which have been just great :D

Her, Ryu and Aza make up my circle of best friends on here and im not afraid to say it, as i know many of you have made good friends with these people also.


I hope you all treat her as i do, with great respect and admiration for the great member she is :D

And make sure you send her potato peelers for her Birthday, i here there is a shortage in Ireland :P lol, kidding.


Anyways, i better wrap this up, soooo

In short, Cheese is a good friend who is definatly a great member to get to know and to have a chat with now and then :D


Soo here's to you Cheeese :cheers: :hug:


Ok guys i will try to get the next shout out up tommorrow if my internet doesn't scew up :/



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i think you need to cut down on the smilies a bit now


otherwise keep doin what your doin


Why cut down on the smilies, there awesome and.....well smiley xD


Thank you syko :3 :hug: congrats you made me blush :blushing: and yes I purposely put lots of smilies in this :rofl:


Edit: SPUDS!!!

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