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A Title for Me

Victory Element

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I'm everyone knows about those ranks that you get for the amount of posts that you have. I am talking about the brute major, drone major, jackal minor, and such. I have seen multiple members with unique titles for their rank, which seem to have something to do with themselves. One member told me that i can request a special title from a mod, but i dont know if this is correct. There are two things that i am looking for here


1) if asking a mod is not the way to get a title, then how could i do it??


2) I want suggestions from the community as to what my unique title could be


TsicksSense has reccomended the title "Winning" for me as an example. i'd really like to get some more ideas


it is a rare occassion when i use the shoutbox, so most members dont know me too well. But i have 650+ posts and i am constantly posting more. Some people who i get into discussions with may know enough about me to give me title, but i'm not sure about the others


thanks for reading, and i hope you are able to leave some titles




i do not plan on changing my title right away. I am just looking for suggestions as to what it should be. I want to wait until i get closer to 1000 posts, because there isnt much more i can do to "earn" a title

Edited by Victory Element
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I understand your point biggles. i have gone through almost all of the current ranks and it has to stop at one point. so i will eventually get one. My member title is dedicated member and im on the road to 1000 posts. i have seen people with only 100+ posts with unique ranks despite their lack of time on the site. i dont know i should go about "earning" a title, because theres not much more i can do for the community other than what i'm already doing. i constantly post in almost all of the halo 4 sections and i do make posts in other sections as well. i'm not much of a shoutboxer, but i dont think that proves anything about a persons support to the community. GSD said its alright for me to get a new title, but i am going to wait a little while until i do so. i respect your opinion biggles, and i will take this into consideration

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I agree with Biggles here, these member titles are special things and must be earned. Earning one can be done in many ways, such as Insignia proving is art skills so he gets the graphics messiah or if a moderator wants to give a nickname they think suits you.

Rest assured though, I got my member title changed when I was very close to the 1000 post mark, you still got a couple hundred posts before you can complain ;)


were to get a member title, try - Victorious


I also think this is a good option, so if a moderator asks if you want a custom one, you can try this? ^_^

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"V" ? "Trough Victory" ? "True Victory"? "The only Element" ?


But don't worry too much about the title. If you are a good member, you can prove it trough your posts.


I can see you're a good member, you explain your theories well and you never spam.


You should look at the title like a "decoration", not really something fundamental.

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i like seeing more ideas from you guys. I probably could have mentioned SternuS before because i have conversed with him a lot through posts.


What do you guys think of the title "More than meets the eyes"


it may be too long, but i think it describes me in a way. I am not seen conversing much in the shoutbox, but the knowledge that i provide is helpful


what do you think??


I agree with Biggles here, these member titles are special things and must be earned. Earning one can be done in many ways, such as Insignia proving is art skills so he gets the graphics messiah or if a moderator wants to give a nickname they think suits you.

Rest assured though, I got my member title changed when I was very close to the 1000 post mark, you still got a couple hundred posts before you can complain ;)


i am probably going to wait a little while until i actually change it. There isnt anything very unique i can do besides continuing my posts on topics, so i will have to continue that. I would have thought the mods would be a bit tougher about giving out a unique title though. I asked GSD about changing it, and he said just message him and he'll chnage it.....and there wasnt even a catch.

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i am probably going to wait a little while until i actually change it. There isnt anything very unique i can do besides continuing my posts on topics, so i will have to continue that. I would have thought the mods would be a bit tougher about giving out a unique title though. I asked GSD about changing it, and he said just message him and he'll change it.....and there wasnt even a catch.

GSD is awesome like that. I just asked and boom. Shadow Cat. :awesome:


What about "The Silent Element"?


Your Idea is good too. I'm just brainstorming.

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Special titles used to be something given out to certain members who perform or bring a certain asset to the forums. From what i have seen as of late, the team has diminished this by handing them out to anyone who asks for it. Far be it from me to decide that noone should get one without a good reason, but I do think that special titles should be and always be reserved for members who bring an exceptional skill or knowledge to the forums.

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i like seeing more ideas from you guys. I probably could have mentioned SternuS before because i have conversed with him a lot through posts.

What do you guys think of the title "More than meets the eyes"

it may be too long, but i think it describes me in a way. I am not seen conversing much in the shoutbox, but the knowledge that i provide is helpful

Hey, don't worry, i'm not offended ;)

It's good, for the reason you said. If it isn't too long, i would suggest you that.


BUT, as i said before, a member is not respected for it's "unique" title. It's respected and/or admired for it's personality. Funny members are funny, with or without a funny title.

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