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The Unofficial Create a Spartan Ops Mission Thread!!!


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If you had the opportunity to give an idea for a Spartan Ops mission to be added to the series what would it be? Why would you choose that idea? How difficult would you make it?


I think that with the addition of Spartan Ops it would be cool to experiment with a highly tactical mission and playstyle. Remember that one mission from Modern Warfare 2 called Cliffhanger? Imagine reliving that experience except with Spartan super-soldiers.


What are your ideas?



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It doesnt seem anyone has posted in this thread. Heres my idea. A team of two spartans a covert stealth mission. Equipped with cloak and sniper with 8 bullets. Every promethean enemy guards a small ammo cache which holds around 3-4 bullets. This will all take place in the jungle type area we have seen. But be warned loudly killing a promethean enemy will signal an alarm which will bring in a pack of 6 crawlers and a squadron of four knights accompanied by 8 watchers. Just my ideas. The difficulty will be either Heroic or Legendary. Thanks for reading.


Edit: The objective is to get to your escape warthog and hightail it out of there.

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It doesnt seem anyone has posted in this thread. Heres my idea. A team of two spartans a covert stealth mission. Equipped with cloak and sniper with 8 bullets. Every promethean enemy guards a small ammo cache which holds around 3-4 bullets. This will all take place in the jungle type area we have seen. But be warned loudly killing a promethean enemy will signal an alarm which will bring in a pack of 6 crawlers and a squadron of four knights accompanied by 8 watchers. Just my ideas. The difficulty will be either Heroic or Legendary. Thanks for reading.


Edit: The objective is to get to your escape warthog and hightail it out of there.


But wouldn't you have to assassinate all of them then as the Sniper Rifle isn't exactly silent? Well unless you put a silencer on it lol.

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i think a covert ops mission would be very cool. Nightfall didnt really make that cut in halo reach.


something where you have to get into an enemy base and retrieve some sort of intel. You would have to sneak around the facility using camo, and coordinate distractions from your teammates to draw attention from the guards. i wouldnt really care what weapons you would have, but anything silenced would be nice.


or another mission where your base was bombed and you need to find survivors. You would start out with no weapons and would have to obtain them by killing enemy infantry in the wreckage from the base. Then you have to rally up the survivors and get to an extraction point


but in general, i would like to see more urban based missions in halo. That probably wont happen in halo 4's campaign, but we can hope for spartan ops. The exodus mission from Reach has always been my favorite, and i want to see more missions like that one

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You have to drive a mammoth through a sea of 50000 grunts... With birthday party skull on :)




when i read that i just pictured four spartans with skulls running down a tunnel with a kill ball rolling right behind them :rofl:


I hate that gametype in reach...


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Majestic team is sent in to stop the covenant from detonating an explosive underneath a forerunner structure as it is believed to contain the flood.


simple enough


This would be really interesting. The flood is not going to be in the Halo 4 campaign, but you'd be crazy to think that such an important part of the franchise would be absent for too long. They could use Spartan Ops to tie the flood into the campaigns of future games.

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My idea is this: the commanders of the Spartan Ops have recieved a distress beacon from the Master Chief that he is pinned down outside a targeted Forerunner installation. The four Spartans are dispatched on a perilous, danger-ridden ride through the jungle on two Mongeese, armed with a bomb to deliver to the installation's doorstep. After driving through the jungle and blasting through any opposition, the four Spartans arrive at the installation where they escort the bomb carrier through several lines of Promethean defenses and then detonate it at the front door. Then they have to survive the full attention of the Promethean defences during their retreat through the jungle while the Chief infiltrates the installation, furthering the campaign.


My thought process behind this would be that it's a high-octane, dangerous but awesome adventure through the jungle, helping out the chief with a bomb, and then back again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My idea is this: the commanders of the Spartan Ops have recieved a distress beacon from the Master Chief that he is pinned down outside a targeted Forerunner installation. The four Spartans are dispatched on a perilous, danger-ridden ride through the jungle on two Mongeese, armed with a bomb to deliver to the installation's doorstep. After driving through the jungle and blasting through any opposition, the four Spartans arrive at the installation where they escort the bomb carrier through several lines of Promethean defenses and then detonate it at the front door. Then they have to survive the full attention of the Promethean defences during their retreat through the jungle while the Chief infiltrates the installation, furthering the campaign.


My thought process behind this would be that it's a high-octane, dangerous but awesome adventure through the jungle, helping out the chief with a bomb, and then back again.

chief doesn't need any help...he is the help. on a more serious note that is pretty smart but they said Spartan ops takes 6 months after campaign, so maybe chief is on a mission between halo 4 and halo 5's campaigns?

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I would like to see a vehicular based mission. I am thinking four spartan team/the typical limit of spartan ops that need to drive in warthogs or mongeese(LOL) to drive around a desert wasteland. There could be covenant attacking them in vehicle as well. I bet it would be cool to add an objective to go to an ancient forerunner tomb(Maybe like sandtrap) to find an artifact. I would just love to see a vehicle fight. I can just see a covie speeding up to the passenger side of a warthog and the spartan in the seat headshots the thing out of it's vehicle. Also would make a good fast paced fighting sign. Plus, you could then fight on foot at the ancient tomb to fight promotheans. I think it sounds cool.

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Operation Robo-Cop:


4 Spartans and 1 Mantis mechanized-suit. 1 Spartan gets to operate it and provide heavy firepower while the other 3 protect him from a measley amount of Promethean resistance who are guarding another Mantis.


A heavier force of Prometheans are called to the scene and engage the 2 Mantis/2 Spartan squad. As it turns out, these Prometheans were protecting another set of 2 more Mantis mechs. The last 2 Spartans hop in and set their destination for destruction.


Once all 4 Spartans have Mantis mechs, They must penetrate a Storm-faction stronghold where a full-fledged barrage against the robotic mini-army will take place. Multiple Banshees, Ghosts, and a few Wraiths. Sniper-jackals and camo-elites to provide both long and close range distractions.


Pure chaos for sure :)

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Alright, so I have a small idea for a Spartan Ops mission - but I don't know all the proper names for enemy units and such, so bear with me, as certain aspects of this may be vague.


-A team of Spartans (either 4 or 2) heads towards a Promethean station. The main objective of the mission is to destroy a sensor's array which would easily warn their enemies of their impending reinforcement's arrival. Primarily, the spartans would reach a drop site for some weapons. There would be 1 Sniper Rifle, 2 Shotguns and a Spartan Laser. The idea would be that certain Promethean units would have a higher view towards a somewhat valley-like location, from which the Spartans are coming from. The first objective would be stealth based, forcing one player to plant a low-range jamming device as close to the base as possible. Once this is finished, it would be the Sniper's job to cause some distraction to allow the other Spartans to get close enough without being wiped out, since there wouldn't be much cover up the valley. Once at the top, the second objective would be to blow a gate into the facility. This could be done with a bomb that they could pick up from the weapon drop zone. Once this would be done, the next objective would be to breach the facility itself and plant a bomb into the Sensor's array. After battling through a few waves of enemies, they would reach their objective and plant the bomb. With the explosive primed, they would have to get away as quick as possible before the entire structure exploded. To end the mission, they would get picked up by one of the Pelicans, thus joining the rest of the attack force they protected by destroyed the Sensor's array.

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