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Campaign or War Games First?


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What will you start with when Halo 4 enters your Xbox?


I personally will start with War Games (MM) until people find out how to get the Campaign achievements pretty easy lol. Also I love MM and cant wait to get my hands on the new Halo 4 MM. From what i experienced at ComicCon, I can not wait :D

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Campaign first :D


And then see if a few people from here wouldn't mind teaming up so I don't MM alone :) Hopefully there'll be a few threads going for adding people to play MM with nearer the release date!

I have a feeling the people currently on my xbl friends list won't be getting Halo 4 at the time I get it.

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  1. Campaign first to continue the story of Master Chief.
  2. Then off to the first segment of Spartan Ops hopefully before the next set of missions release.
  3. Forge to recreate my contest map and check the different offerings it has.
  4. MM to check out the different maps.

Really looking forward to where 343 is going with the story and how Spartan Ops will tie in with future installments! :thumbsup:

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Ah apparently it's going to be a long campaign as well, so it looks like I'll have to go through all of it before I try some Multiplayer so someone doesn't spoil it for me.


Or if there's a chance the people I search with want to discuss the campaign, I don't want to deny them that so I'll complete it and then we can all discuss it :)


I remember Gears of War 3 upon release, me and a friend did a bit of Campaign, then Beast, Horde, and Multiplayer after coming back home from midnight release. The day after, Multiplayer was great fun because people were just learning how to play the game, so I just swept up all the kills and MVP ribbons :3

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So I usually play the first few missions cause I have school, and then I just keep playing till I finish campaign. Utthis time I want to finish camoaignn one sitting, so im gonna play as much multiplayer as i can from Tuesday-Friday. Then I wake up on Saturday morning and just kill it.

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