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ODST: The Secret of Evil

MCPO Mayh3m

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1. ODST: The Secret of Evil


“Welcome Soldier, I see you have made yourself at home here at camp. Ha... like that is possible.” Rocket hears from his commander. “What’s your name boy?” “The names Rocket” he reply “I’ve come from Smithfield, Virginia.” Your sergeant smirks as he replies, “Well, welcome to the UNSC ‘Virginia’, it is not a playground so get use to the war-ground where the big boys play.”


Rocket, he was not as tall as most… but just as lethal. He was 25 years old and had dark hair and green eyes. This young gun was given the option to serve under the Spartan Ops but he declined as working as an ODST was his dream ever since he was young.

Rocket steps out of the tent that is set up right across from the highway, the one that no one remembers coming from since they are sedated when they are brought in. “Where is the education center?” Rocket asks another ODST that is geared up. The ODST just glances at him as he walks by, not saying a word… or making any motions. “My name is Jess…” Rocket turns around to see a dark haired woman that is just barely below his eye level. “I hear you are looking for the Education center, right?” she continued. “Yeah, I’ve been given an assignment and I need to find out what it is…” Rocket replied. With a bright personality Jess responds and says “Okay!! Just follow me!” She begins walking behind the tent Rocket just exited. ‘No wonder that ODST looked at me that way’ Rocket wondered. Jess begins talking as the college is in site, only a few meters away. “So, how long have you been in the UNSC for? Are you a Spartan? What is your name? Sorry… I know I talk a lot, I just love meeting new people.” She looks at Rocket with a beautiful smile that could light up a room. “Well, my name is Rodney; everyone calls me Rocket though… I have been with the UNSC for just under a year, they agreed to pay for my education as long as I stayed for an undisclosed amount of time limited to 5 years. I am trying to become an ODST, this is my final semester of on job training… once I am through then I get my rank.”


As they arrive at the college, Jess gives Rocket her number and tells him to contact her if he needed anything. “I can’t stay; I have PT in about 20min. Good luck on your assignment!” Jess stated. As Jess walks off Rocket enters the college and walks to the front desk to find his room. “Room 51” The receptionist states in a monotone voice. “Thanks” Rocket replies as he walks off with a bit of an unsure look on his face. As Rocket begins to knock on the door the door swings open and a tall man, his teacher, tells him to come in with a deep voice. “Rocket….you’re here to pick up your assignment right? Well here it is… when you’ve finished come to me and let me know what your conclusion is.” He states quickly. The tall man hands Rocket a paper with the title ‘What is Evil?’ Rocket stares at the paper and after a few seconds later replies to his teacher “But that is simple, the covenant, the Prophets, people that do illegal things are Evil… right?” “So naïve, young man” The teacher replies…

There is more to Evil than that. It is more obvious than you think; in fact it is right under your nose if you will just look.” With a confused look Rocket stammers “But… I... I don’t understand.” “You will” The Teacher replies as he walks away.

Rocket is confused; his mind is racing ‘What could this evil be?’ He exits the college and jogs to the Library, maybe he will find exactly what he needs to help him know what this evil is. He arrives at the library in a short amount of time, he notices the Library closes at 1700Hrs… it was 1630... He had 30 minutes. He walks to the only open computer and searches the database for anything and everything his mind can relate to the topic of ‘Evil’. ‘The Evil Awakens: How the Covenant work’ ‘The Evil Elephant’ ‘Evil: In the eyes of the Prophets’ these were all book titles... but there was nothing there to help him discover what this evil was… What could it be? What is this evil? How do I figure this out? So many questions running through Rockets head, but nothing is coming of it. “At least I have 2.5 weeks to get this assignment done.”


A few days later, Rocket was at the gym lifting weights when in walks 2 Spartans. The word around the base was that these guys had a big ego and a stomach full of pride. “Move over short stack” Jason, one of the Spartans, demands of Rocket. “No, I am busy; why not go and do something else? There are plenty of other machines available right now, go use one of them.” Jason’s eyes begin to look stern and he begins to smother and butt up to Rocket, his chest pushing him back. “Don’t make me force you kid.” Jason demanded. “I won’t” Rocket replied as he took a deep breath and with his anger swung his fist hitting Jason in the jaw… “Now back off!” Jason, after being knocked off balance by the unexpected punch, jumped back and picked up rocket “You didn’t want to do that, kid”.

The next morning Rocket wakes up in bed, his stomach in knots… he has a huge bruise on his rib cage. All of a sudden he hears the loud buzz; it is his pager on the other side of the room. He slowly and painfully sits up and reaches for the pager. “Have you had any luck with your assignment Rocket?” It was his teacher checking in to see his progress. Rocket slams the pager down and suddenly screams out of agony… it seems the punch did more damage to his hand than to Jason’s jaw.

As Rocket begins getting ready, he gets a call over his radio… “Rocket, prepare for PT at 0700 hours. Don’t be late.” Rocket looks at his watch 0629 hours. He didn’t have much time at all. As Rocket ties the laces of his boots his watch now displays 0650as the time. He grabs his keys… he would have to drive in order to make it to PT on time.


Chapter 2: PT and Soda


Rocket jumps in his small compact military vehicle and punches the gas with his heel, ‘I can’t be late’ he tells himself. All of a sudden, these bright blue lights, flashing on and off are behind him... the noise of a siren sounding as well. Rocket looks in the rearview mirror; it is the Military Police… also known as the MP’s. Rocket slows his speed as he pulls over on the side of the road. The MP car pulls up behind the small compact car and turns off the siren. Out steps a rather thin lanky Police officer. Tapping on the window of Rockets car, the officer says “Sir, do you know how fast you were going?” as the window is slowly being rolled down. “Um, not fast enough I presume?” Rocket replied sarcastically. “Very funny, you were going 15 over the speed limit.” “But officer, there are no signs posted anywhere with the speed limit!” spoke Rocket in defense. “I would not be so sure about that man…” The officer lifts his hand and points to a sign directly in front of the parked compact car. “Just my luck” Rocket said under his breath. The officer asked for the license and registration and walked back to his squad car. Rocket pulls out his radio and calls his sergeant, “Where are you ‘Virginia’? We are waiting on you so get your back end over here PROMPT!” his sergeant spoke… clearly. “I understand sir, but I was pulled over by the MP’s… I was in a hurry… and well-“Rocket was cut off by his sergeant “You were speeding on base eh? Everybody knows what the speed limit on base is… and everybody and their mother knows not to speed on base because of the ticket happy MP’s. Get your junk together and get here ASAP! We have no time to waste!!” As the officer returns with the ticket, Rocket lowers the radio and flips the switch to the mute position. Here is your ticket, you can pay it at the station… or you can try to appeal going 15 over the speed limit to the general officer. You have a good day sir.”


Stress... Rocket was full of stress.


As Rocket arrives at PT, he notices he is 15 minutes late. 15… the number seems to be sticking out to him today. “VIRGINIA! Give me 15 laps!”…the first words out of sergeants mouth. “Just my luck” Rocket grumbles as he begins to jog around the half mile track. “HEY!” A familiar voice comes from behind him… it was Jess. “Funny seeing you here, I didn’t realize we were in the same Squad! Isn’t that awesome?!” She smiles as she jogs beside Rocket. “Yeah, I guess so. But today… not that awesome.” “Aw, why is that?”Jess replies. “Sore ribs, speeding ticket, 15 laps.” Rocket replies hesitantly. “Oh, that sucks. Want to tell me about it?” Jess hopefully asked. “Not really… I would rather forget about this day to be honest.”


After the day and PT were over, that night Rocket and Jess head over to the pub. “So what was your assignment about?” Jess asked curiously. “Well, the title is ‘What is Evil?’…and I am kind of confused by it as what I normally thought the answer was… is actually an incomplete answer. I don’t get it.” Rocket frustratingly replied. “Well, I am sure you will figure it out, just hang in there. Drinks are on me tonight since you seem to be having not much luck today.” Rocket groans but agrees. “I’ll have two number 15’s please!” Jess asked the bartender… it was a mix of soda and alcohol. “I suppose you don’t want that do you? Heh, I guess it must have slipped my mind, my bad!” Jess apologized. “I can’t have much; it won’t look good if I have to take a breathing test when I pay my speeding ticket.” Rocket replied. “Well, you know what, why don’t we ditch this place and go grab a soda or something?” Jess asked. “It might be better for you, you know with your ‘appointment’ tomorrow and all” “Eh… that is fine I suppose. It actually might be the bright spot of my day.”


The next day Rocket is at the barracks. He just got home from paying off a $40 speeding ticket. The sun was at its peak in the day. The refection of a rainbow shining through the prism set on the window seal. 97* was the temperature. The scorching heat was taking toll on all the soldiers, Spartans, ODST’s, and Marines. There is a buzz in the distance; Rocket doesn’t believe it is much of anything… just the person upstairs vacuuming. Again Rocket hears a noise… this time a muffled thud, and now the ground is vibrating lightly… but the vibration is getting stronger. “ALL SOLDIER REPORT FOR COMBAT ASAP!!!” screams over the radio. Rocket, caught off guard, races for his magnum (as that is all the soldiers are permitted to carry in their barracks) and places on his light ODST training armor on.


Racing outside, Rocket is faced with a grey fog in the distance with a purple light shining through. Rocket sees a black object slowly emitting from this fog, as he runs for the armory and weaponry to meet his sergeant and the rest of the squad. Rocket arrives at the front door and before he opens it, he looks back at the black object… he realizes that this is not an object anymore… it is a swarm. “GET IN HERE ASAP!!” Rocket hears coming over the radio.

Upon entering the building, he is thrown off guard… Spartans, no ODST’s. “Rocket you’re alive!” he hears from a Spartan coming across the room. ‘J-445’ read the tag. “It’s me, Jess!” “What are you doing in Spartan armor; I thought you were an OD---“Rocket gets cut off by his sergeant “Virginia! Suit up, we are going to need you well armored… you’ve already been trained up to Spartan standards, and right now we need you as a Spartan.” Rockets sergeant leads him to a dark maroon armor. “Scout better work for you Virginia, it is all we have left.” The sergeant adds. Rocket takes the armor and as he is equipping himself, the sun slowly fades to black on the east side of the building. “THEY’RE HERE!!” shouted the sergeant “EVERYONE PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!”

The assistant readies the helmet on Rockets head and sends him through the armors shield process. “You’re ready to go. All you have to do is choose a weapon now. What will it be?” “Do you have a silenced SMG, or Battle Rifle?” Rocket asks. “Right o…e….h……” The assistants voice begins getting drowned out by the sound of the swarm that was about to come upon them. The radio sounds… “It’s time! Prepare for war!!”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow I saw how incredibly long this was and I thought to myself "I probably won't make it through this because I have a short attention span" But then I started reading and I seriously could not. Very nice. I don't even know where to begin. I think the character development for Rocket is very well done. I wish we had more background into other characters... but maybe that's still to come. Can't wait till the next installment. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't he one of the greatest writers? I love his stuff. I wish more members would read it.

yeah it is really good, one of the best stories i read, and more peope definately need to read this, it's just too awesome not to be read


Dawwhhh... thanks guys. :)


I will have to get back to writing chapter 3 once my Research Paper is complete. ^_^

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