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Armor Abilitys. Like them? Hate them? LETS FIND OUT!


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Armor Abilitys.....Well I guess i will make it clear I HATE them to death. But I feel its our fault for them being put in, our fanbase(the real one not the kids) have always wanted inovation in our game and bungie could not think of anthing so they went with somthing new and original(AA'S). i mean really what other game before halo reach came out used in game abilitys for armor?(Crysis 2 does not count they copied)


Personally Armor abilitys do not entirely annoy me I hate them for them ruining reach and making our game feel more like a childs game. halo was known for making you strive to be good and thats what made me as good as i am H2 and H3's days of glory was what made me in my opinion a top gamer in the community of FPS and Halo mainly. AA's changed this, the day i picked it up, i was already 2 times as good at this game as i was in H3. i find that sad, halo reach got soft, to many gets had there asswholes torn in H3 and they cried to bungie with there lil ***** selves and said "the big kids are beating us! WAAAAAAAAAA" and bungie got soft and gave one to the NOOBS. but i forgive halo and i want 343 to give us retrobution and take AA's out. i dont mind much but AA's. so if they take them out i would be fine.


for me its a no to AA's i find them to be cheap and for kids, AA's just say to CoD fans come to our game and spam armor lock because its just as over powered as your NOOB tubes you have. and DO not tell me that its far because you have them to, its still a cheesy game and it defeats the purpose of halo being the most skillfull game.


Dont tell me AA's take away from skill because they do MLG took alot of them out and delt with some. the only ones they put in is evade,sprint,and jet pack and they had to nerf the J-Pack for it to be fare. there is no rime or reason for H4 to have AA's so i say let them be, keep them in reach and dont let them graze halo 4 let halo 4 have sprint as a button, dont touch the game with armor lock or J-pack,or drop shield, or invisibility. all of those AA's are either pointless or over powered.


Give me your opinion on what you think of Armor Abilitys!

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There was a thread were I posted a very good contorller scheme for a sprint/evade system and thats all we should have, but taking active cammo away, I dont like that, I think we need to get rid of load outs and bring back power ups. (ahhhh (insert halo 3 flashback)thoses were the good days)

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There was a thread were I posted a very good contorller scheme for a sprint/evade system and thats all we should have, but taking active cammo away, I dont like that, I think we need to get rid of load outs and bring back power ups. (ahhhh (insert halo 3 flashback)thoses were the good days)

ummm the armor ability for active camo, UH DUH. not I did not say active camo did i? i said invisibility bro. duh i want the powerups back haha. and i know you got the idea from me on MY other thread! haha its the what halo should and should not have, but AA's are such i big topic they deserved there own space in my mind! haha

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hahahaha lol

yea, it was posted earlier, whant the equipment back, including invisibility in multiplayer

YES just give us POWERUPS! haha we need to be OVER 9000! haha the only way to do so is to have POWERUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha.(we can only hope!)

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I think that its fine to keep sprint and evade. i think all others should go and bring back halo 3's pick up power ups. j-pack can go all together. although i do believe that they should give players the option to pick mainly between sprint or evade. maybe have the option to pick one or the other in the customize armor page and stick mainly with that skill until changed. and overshield, inviability, and CPU, should all go back to a pick up power-up.

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I would like if they took out Evade or something for like "flip". You would know what I mean if you played Halo Wars. If you use a Spartan with the dual SMG's, they like flip around. You could do say 2 in a row, or wait for recharge. You would go into the flip stance, and in this mode, it would automatically fire, wasting no ammo, unless you have a power weapon. When in the Flip Stance, it would zoom out into third person so you could actually see them ready to do the flip. You would then do the flip to either side, you would choose by moving the stick, then go into the after stance where you gain your balance again, for like a second, and you can still shoot. There's also a quick jump if you just tap the button and push the stick in a direction, where you wouldn't be able to fire, and it would quickly go into third person and go back into first, like it does when you put down a drop shield. This would be to like avoid an incoming ghost or other vehicle, possibly make it so you can even flip forward and backward.


And I like Armor Abilities, adds variety and more strategy to gameplay.

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