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Halo 4 Vidoc Coming Today


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UPDATE: Vidoc Uploaded http://uk.gamespot.com/halo-4/videos/halo-4-a-hero-awakens-6394457/?tag=Topslot


A tweet from Rob Semsey tell us a 10 minute vidic will be coming today sometime after 5:30pm PST at PAX.




What the vidoc will entail is unknown it could be on forge, multiplayer or campaign or it could be another behind the scenes. It will most likely follow the Halo 4 panel which takes place in the Pegasus theatre.




UPDATE: Frank O'connor posted a tweet on the halo council and it appears the vidoc will be focused on the campaign


heres the tweet: https://twitter.com/...031088048955392



UPDATE: Rob Semsey posted a tweet letting those who could not attend PAX where to watch the vidoc later today




also judging by the title of the vidoc "A Hero Awakens" definitely suggests it will be about the campaign.

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