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Fluttershy Appreciation Thread

Lyra Heartstring

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Well I think Fluttershy is an example of what an perfect pony. She has grace, modesty, passion(lol) and is really nice with anypony and animals. Seeing that she knows alot fashion really well and knows how to perform difficult surgerys, I think she may be the smartest among all the ponies, maybe second to Twilight(or above her). She is the type of pony you would beat others up for if they made her cry.


So, yeah, Thus meaning fluttershy is best pony.



Just post anything here Fluttershy related(pictures,fan fics), if it's okay with you.


Have fun!mlp-fyay.png /)

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Please stop spamming brony threads, we have an official thread for MLP:FiM discussion. Posting elsewhere kinda disrespects the mods request for keeping it in there. They were nice enough to even let us have an official thread. Thanks Mods! You are awesome! :laughing:


I'd link it, but its far down and I don't have time to do it atm.

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Please stop spamming brony threads, we have an official thread for MLP:FiM discussion. Posting elsewhere kinda disrespects the mods request for keeping it in there. They were nice enough to even let us have an official thread. Thanks Mods! You are awesome! :laughing:


I'd link it, but its far down and I don't have time to do it atm.


This is in the offbeats, it doesn't count to post counts, so it's alright to post this.

Plus this new member didn't know.

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