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Halo 4 videos: Load out options and Armor, helmets & skins


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All credits to iTz vplus2 for finding these videos.


BravoMLG has uploaded tWo videos from PAX, one video shows the load out options and the other shows all of the different armor and skins. I think the armor video is very interesting it really gives us a proper look at how the different armor pieces will look worn in game.


The footage is off screen but its good enough quality to get a look at these features.








Armor, helmets and skins




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Epic. Awesome! I've been waiting for more news on the customization options for a long time because that's amongst the things i'm looking forward to the most and what i've seen has gone so far beyond my expectations i can't even put it into words!

I don't think i've ever seen a console game with so many armor options before! Loving it!


And thanks again for the credit :)

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