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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4


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Frank O'Connor has tweeted confirming that a map remake will be in Halo 4. He has not confirmed which map it is yet but gives a very brief description.


Click the link to view the tweet.




I'm thinking maybe its Blood Gulch but who knows, leave a comment on what map you want it to be.





UPDAE: Frankie has confirmed that the map will not be Blood Gulch.




There goes my guess lol.




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I'll take a guess and say Guardian. It seems to pop up the most on H3 and I could see it fitting into H4. Remember, these are simulation training scenarios for the Spartan IV's.


That's my guess and I'm sticking to it! :thumbsup:


I'd like to see Guardian back, it's one of my all-time favourite maps! It's just a shame that it's one of the smaller maps in the series.


Anyway, my guess would be on Sandtrap. We know they're bringing in the Mammoth and they'd need somewhere to use it, and the only map where anything similar has appeared is Sandtrap. Plus it's huge and ridiculously popular.

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One remade map, huh? Fair enough.


I'm glad the remade map isn't Blood Gulch. Because to be honest, i've had it with that particular map. Hemmorrage is the reason why i don't want to see it remade again. Because that was supposed to be THE remake, after similiar maps like Valhalla in Halo 3. And it failed.

I think with an iconic map like Blood Gulch, it's best to let it rest, because no map will ever be the original again. Unless you remake it literally 100%, safe for the improved graphics.


So, my list of hope:





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One remade map, huh? Fair enough.


I'm glad the remade map isn't Blood Gulch. Because to be honest, i've had it with that particular map. Hemmorrage is the reason why i don't want to see it remade again. Because that was supposed to be THE remake, after similiar maps like Valhalla in Halo 3. And it failed.

I think with an iconic map like Blood Gulch, it's best to let it rest, because no map will ever be the original again. Unless you remake it literally 100%, safe for the improved graphics.


So, my list of hope:





Agreed, except replace Avalanche with Waterworks. lol


Also, I think the reason that Hemorrhage failed was because they mistook "bigger" for "better". They said it was a duplicate image of Blood Gulch, only bigger. However, since it was so large it played nothing like Blood Gulch did. Which took away the shine of it being a remake.

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This topic should really be in the Halo 4 Match Making section.


I do not think it will be Valhalla, Valhall was essentially a remake of Blood Gulch. Blood Gulch would be too obvious. I think it will either be Sandtrap to accomodate the Mammoth that was earlier revealed, Last Resort, or Sidewinder.

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Agreed, except replace Avalanche with Waterworks. lol


Also, I think the reason that Hemorrhage failed was because they mistook "bigger" for "better". They said it was a duplicate image of Blood Gulch, only bigger. However, since it was so large it played nothing like Blood Gulch did. Which took away the shine of it being a remake.


You're both wrong, Sidewinder was where it was at!


I don't think the size of Hemorrhage was necessarily the problem, though it definitely didn't help. The problem was that they got the elevations toward the side of the canyon all wrong - you could see everything from up there and it wasn't hard to get into cover, you just crouched or took a few steps back. There wasn't nearly enough protection for infantry on the ground - just a couple of rocks here and there would have done, not enough to let you hide from everything but something to give you a few moments to let your shields come back up safely, you know?


The other problem was the DMR. Halo: CE's pistol was a lot less accurate than most people remember it being, plus it had a 2x scope and was rubbish against vehicles. You'd be lucky to hit people at anything beyond medium range with it, let alone reliably deliver headshots. The Battle Rifle in Halo 2 was basically the same thing, and again wasn't effective much beyond medium range. Yet the DMR can kill very quickly and is accurate out to Sniper Rifle ranges, has a very powerful scope, and can kill vehicles fairly easily as well. On wide open maps with extremely long sight lines - like Hemorrhage - it just kills map movement. It'll be interesting to see how 343i deal with that on the bigger maps in Halo 4. My guess would be that they'll keep sightlines shorter, or at least provide plenty of places to duck and cover when things go wrong. Avalanche, Zanzibar and Sandtrap already have those in abundance. Waterworks, not so much.

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sidewinder prisoner rat race cold storage or narrows qould be perfect




i really dont think they can go wrong with a remake though unless its a halo reach remake ewww


Cold Storage isn't a big map. So i'd say that one is out of the race.



Most likely will be Zanzibar... as it has been in every Halo game except Reach if I recall correctly. (Do I?)


Correct. But i don't really want to return in Halo 4, even though it's not a bad map.

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