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Halo 4 CTF

Spectral Jester

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My two cents:

Complex is a terrible CTF map. One team's flag is right out in the open, and the enemy can stand on top of the building and shoot at you from a distance. You can't stand anywhere near your flag to defend it, you die before you can get to cover on 50% of your spawns, and if the enemy takes your flag, you can't chase them without getting sniped from the roof of the building. The enemy's flag, however, is closely surrounded by walls, allowing them to defend easily, and their spawns are better protected. I don't remember what the colors are, but the team whose flag is in the open is at a severe disadvantage the entire game.

Also, I would like to see an occasional 1 flag game.

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I use to love playing CTF on Halo CE for PC and Halo 2 on the Xbox. I’ve tried to bring back my love for this game type but WTF. 9 out of ten games I’ve tried to play my owe team mate will kill me right before I score with the flag so he/she can get the points, or I get into a game that people just sit around and not even tried to get the flag. I get that some people like to camp and that’s ok but killing your owe team while he/she went all the way and got the flag and fought their way back without you. Dam this pisses me off.


1. 343 you should make it so you can’t be killed by a team mate when you have the flag.


2. Why not make it so you can boot a team mate if he/she does this and give to points back to the last person holding the flag.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't really play CTF because it's annoying. One of the problems is sometimes a team will enter the game with 5 people and be facing 2 people. They get a quick cap, and then just play slayer for the rest of the game or always have 3 guys defending.


Here are 2 absolutely phenomenal suggestions for CTF which would make it more enjoyable:


1. Respawn Time Growth - I've encountered this problem on so many occasions. If you go to their base with 2 guys to capture it, and they have 3 guys defending, it is absolutely impossible to get the flag. Even though I can kill just about everybody I come across, it is physically impossible to kill 3 guys and get the flag out of there safely. Even if my other teammate and I kill them very quickly, they will have two guys respawning by the time we can grab the flag.


2. No Flag Touch for a Certain Time Limit (say 5 minutes) Results in Game Over - let's be honest, no one likes playing a CTF game when you have no chance of winning. I don't like entering games down 4-0 with 4 guys on their team absolutely not even trying to grab the flag, and no one on my team even trying to get the flag or able to touch it. This would prevent kids from being able to turn it into slayer for 10 minutes after getting the lead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think CTF can be really fun if you have some friends to play it with. I don't have any real life friends that play Halo and finding some on live is.. Difficult to say the least. I only play BTB and SWAT since playing with randoms doesn't effect those game types to much. But since one of todays challenges was win two CTF matches i gave it a try and it was a truly horrible and frustrating experience! Played only one match i just could not take it anymore than that. My team was a bunch of retards betraying each other, destroying team vehicles or just driving around the base like morons. The other team appeared to be doing the same thing since i did not see much of them during the "match". The game was 0-0 for a long time since no one even tried capping a flag but to the end the other team got one. I then drove over to their side and managed to walk with the flag all the way back to our base. Just to be betrayed for the flag just outside the base.. At least the guy scored the flag after he betrayed me. The game ended a tie 1-1. Thats the last CTF game i will ever play even if there is a challange "Win one CTF for 100k XP" Its just not worth it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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